Perl Weekly
Issue #5 - 2011-08-29 - Dancer 1.3080 released - Perl Résumé announced
latest | archive | edited by Gabor Szabo
In the last week a few people raised the issue that the newsletter came in HTML format and they would prefer simple text. So starting from this issue the newsletter will include both and HTML and a plain text version of the content. If you encounter any problem, please let me know ASAP.
Richard Dice pointed out that in the previous issue I had the date of the London Perl Workshop wrong. Please take note, it is on 12th November 2011. Thank you, Richard!
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Gabor Szabo
This is not strictly a Perl news but Slashdot was such an important part of the Perl world that I think it is worth mentioning. Here I link to the article in the Wired magazine.
David Precious (Bigpresh) reports that the new version of Dancer was named after him. Some minor developments and lots of documentation updates. BTW I did not know Dancer does recursion.
Mark Dootson writes about his creature that can make it easy to package and distribute Perl application to Linux, Windows and Mac OSX.
Adam Kennedy (Alias) describes the current status of Padre, the Perl IDE regarding the upcoming 1.0 version. In short: The current version 0.90 is quite stable. 0.92 will be likely broken as the background API is being replaced.
by Aaron Crane (ARC)
Aaron Crane describes some often used but dangerous programming techniques common to all programming languages and then shows how you can avoid the problems in Perl. Follow the link to 'paper' to reach the really interesting part.
by Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi (VTI)
Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi (vti) took the idea to mashup data from MetaCPAN into another direction. He created automatically generated resumes for each CPAN author.
by Ricardo Signes (RJBS)
Ricardo Signes (RJBS) describes his experience with Stackato the cloud system of ActiveState. He shows how he deployed Rubric, a web application he wrote 7 years ago. If I understand it correctly, he is using Rubric for his blog.
by Flavio Poletti (POLETTIX)
Flavio Poletti goes into a detailed description on how strings are handled within Perl regarding bytes and characters and how you should handle them. Then he explains how to use the JSON module to avoid issues with Unicode.
by Nikos Vaggalis
Nikos Vaggalis writes about the new edition of the Learning Perl book and offers a few reasons why people should learn Perl. None of this is new to people already using Perl but I found it important to mention as this was published on a generic web site for programmers.
by Dave Rolsky (DROLSKY)
The discussion around code of conduct for conferences has surfaced on several Perl related web sites recently. In this article, Dave Rolsky goes into more depth about the topic. As this is relevant to all YAPCs and Perl Workshops, if you are planning to attend or organize such event it might be better to voice your opinion now than to complain later.
Randy J. Ray shows us how to get stack trace from warnings and exceptions in code we might not control or that we might not want to change. Excellent tool for code maintenance.
by Yanick Champoux (YANICK)
Reading the entries of Yanick Champoux (yanick) is always a challenge and it is always fun. This time he introduces the new Dancer template based on Template::Declare and shows and example how to define templates in their own files.
Mark Gardner tells the story of how he wrote a wrapper for Net::SFTP::Foreign to throw hard exceptions instead of returning soft errors. How that prompted the inclusion of this feature in the original module and how did he go on to deprecate the now unnecessary wrapper. I love the idea of having less, but more powerful modules on CPAN.
Rebecca has been writing Perl for 10 years and she is now reconnecting with the Perl community. In her first post she is introducing her new module called On::Event that supposed to have an API similar to that of Node.js
by Paul Evans (PEVANS)
Another AnyEvent related article. In this one Paul Evans (LeoNerd) writes about adding the AnyEvent loop to IO::Async.
In a very small example chromatic shows the power of Plack to put together a little applications serving files.
by Arthur Axel "fREW" Schmidt (FREW)
fREW Schmidt gives a nice and simple example on how to use simple dispatch tables. Then he goes on and shows how the same idea can be applied to methods of classes.
by Sebastian Riedel (SRI)
Sebastian Riedel (kraih) provides a short example on how to use HTML5 EventSource, which is - as he writes - 'a dead simple technology'. My first reaction was, yeah, when he writes that I know I am going to get lost. But then it turned out it is not that hard after all. Unfortunately it is not yet supported in IE.
Perl 6
Cosimo Streppone reports how the Perl 6 version of LWP::Simple is now using THE standard grammar of URIs and IPv6 addresses.
by Ricardo Signes (RJBS)
If you ever wanted to express your gratitude to an open source developer, Ricardo Signes (RJBS) describes a simple and very nice way to do that. You got a nice present in the form of a CPAN module? Now you can return the favor even if your employer does not let you release open source code.
In the previous issue I managed to include the wrong date. This is now fixed. I hope.
by Renee Baecker (RENEEB)
After arriving home from YAPC Renee Baecker went on to attend FrOSCon. If you don't know German you can use the automatic translation service of Google. Just remember, the word order in German is quite different from that in English which makes some really funny sentences.
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