Issue #668 - 2024-05-13 - Perl v5.40

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Hi there,

The latest Perl Steering Council weekly updates about the good progress in preparation of release of Perl v5.40. I can't wait to get my hand dirty with the new features.

London Perl Workshop is making good progress thanks to the hard work of Lee Johnson. As per the official website, we now have a Diamond Sponsor. I am hoping venue would be finalised soon. I would urge all Perl fans to register your interest in the event so that the organiser can plan the event better.

The upconing event, The Perl and Raku Conference in Las Vegas, is in demand. I get to hear a lot of preparation is underway to make it memorable experience for all attendees. I am going to miss the fun, unfortunately. I hope to join you all online if it is available.

Last but not least, you take extra care of yourself and your loved ones. Enjoy and celebrate Perl as always.

Mohammad Sajid Anwar


This Week in PSC (147)

Good news is shared that Perl v5.40 is likely to be released on time in May. Hurray !!!


Perl Toolchain Summit 2024 - Lisbon

by Timothy Legge

Nice to hear the work done by CPANSec Group. We are happy to see members are actively working on the security aspect.

MariaDB 10 and Perl DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader

by russbrewer

Interesting topic brought to the discussion table with regard to the use of DBIx::Class and it's family. It is thorough discussion and not just scratch the surface.

Making a Super Cal if Rage Will Stick Ex Paella Down Us

by Saif Uddin Ahmed (SAIFTYNET)

Calendar is one topic that has been discussed plenty of times and we have loads of different implmentation available on CPAN. Saif is bringing a new flavour, go check it out.

The Weekly Challenge

The Weekly Challenge by Mohammad Sajid Anwar will help you step out of your comfort-zone. We pick one champion at the end of the month from among all of the contributors during the month.

The Weekly Challenge - 269

by Mohammad Sajid Anwar (MANWAR)

Welcome to a new week with a couple of fun tasks "Bitwise OR" and "Distribute Elements". If you are new to the weekly challenge then why not join us and have fun every week. For more information, please read the FAQ.

RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 268

by Mohammad Sajid Anwar (MANWAR)

Enjoy a quick recap of last week's contributions by Team PWC dealing with the "Magic Number" and "Number Game" tasks in Perl and Raku. You will find plenty of solutions to keep you busy.


by Ali Moradi

A new CPAN module introduced Data::Show. Time to explore more about it. Thanks for sharing.

Numerous Numbers

by Arne Sommer

Smart match of Raku is really cool. The post shares the use of smart match. Highly recommended.

Games Numbers Play

by Bob Lied

I love the varieties of different level of solutions. Start with simple and then move upward to make it more elegant. Great work.

Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 268

by Jaldhar H. Vyas

Ever wanted to implement Z- operator in Perl? Well it is already done and shared. Just check it out yourself.

Sorting This and That

by Jorg Sommrey

My personal favourite PDL is in the game again. Thanks for sharing knowledge with us.

Perl Weekly Challenge 268: Magic Numbers

by Laurent Rosenfeld

Reduction operator of Raku is one of the most powerful operator. Please checkout the post to see how it can be used.

Perl Weekly Challenge 268: Number Game

by Laurent Rosenfeld

Handy Raku REPL is showing off the power. You really don't want to skip it. Thanks for sharing.

arrays and slices

by Luca Ferrari

Another Raku fan talking about rotor of Raku. I wonder if this can be reproduced this in Perl?

Perl Weekly Challenge 268

by W Luis Mochan

Master of one-liner in Perl, sharing experimental for_list. Time to explore more about it soon. Well done and keep it up.

Perl Magic Games

by Matthias Muth

Task analysis is the top level and very engaging. Thanks for sharing the knowledge with us.

Let’s do the Numbers!

by Packy Anderson (PACKY)

Short and compact solutions in Perl, Raku and Python. Plenty to keep you busy. You get to listen to music as bonus.

Magic and scrambled numbers

by Peter Campbell Smith

Peter finally gave in and created one-liner in Perl. It is so much fun to see how powerful it is.

The Weekly Challenge - 268

by Reinier Maliepaard

Well documented solutions with smart use of CPAN module. Well done, keep it up great work.

The Weekly Challenge #268

by Robbie Hatley

I noticed the zip6 is mentioned in the blog post but in code, pairwise is used. Interesting, zip6 is new to me, though.

If the Game is Magic, Where's My Number?

by Roger Bell West (FIREDRAKE)

One liner in Python and PostScript. Bonus for this week is the introduction to Crystal. Keep it up great work.

The magical number game

by Simon Green

Is it possible to have multiple return types in Python? I didn't know that, I liked how it is perfectly used here. Thanks for sharing the magic with us.


2024.19 Behaviorally Constrained

by Elizabeth Mattijsen (ELIZABETH)

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