Issue #675 - 2024-07-01 - Videos from TPRC 2024 - Las Vegas, Nevada

latest | archive | edited by Gabor Szabo
This edition was made possible by the supporters of our cause.
Don't miss the next issue!

Hi there

TPRC 2024 has ended and the videos are now available. Enjoy!

Oh and now that it is over, you can also register to the two virtual events I am running: Continuous Integration (CI): GitHub Actions for Perl Projects and GitHub Pages for Perl developers .

Have a nice week!

Gabor Szabo



GitHub Pages for Perl developers (Free Virtual presentation on August 15)

by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)

In this virtual event you will learn how to use Markdown and GitHub Pages to create a simple web site and then we'll extend our use of GitHub Actions to generate the site using Perl. Register now!




The Weekly Challenge

The Weekly Challenge by Mohammad Sajid Anwar will help you step out of your comfort-zone. You can even win prize money of $50 by participating in the weekly challenge. We pick one champion at the end of the month from among all of the contributors during the month, thanks to the sponsor Lance Wicks.

The Weekly Challenge - 276

by Mohammad Sajid Anwar (MANWAR)

Welcome to a new week with a couple of fun tasks "Complete Day" and "Maximum Frequency". If you are new to the weekly challenge then why not join us and have fun every week. For more information, please read the FAQ.

RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 275

by Mohammad Sajid Anwar (MANWAR)

Enjoy a quick recap of last week's contributions by Team PWC dealing with the "Broken Keys" and "Replace Digits" tasks in Perl and Raku. You will find plenty of solutions to keep you busy.

Broken Digits

by Arne Sommer

Once again Raku is showing its regex power, incredible. Keep it up great work.

Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 275

by Jaldhar H. Vyas

Keeping it simple with the use of builtin functions, very smart move. Well done.

Replacing the Broken Keys

by Jorg Sommrey

Perl regex is unbeatable. It gives plenty of choices to solve an issue. Thanks for sharing.

Perl Weekly Challenge 275: Replace Digits

by Laurent Rosenfeld

Near identical solutions in Perl and Raku. On top, we get detailed discussion. Highly recommended.

Perl Weekly Challenge 275

by W Luis Mochan

If you are looking serious one liner in Perl then you reached the right place. Highly recommended.


by Luca Ferrari

Extended power of Raku regex in display and laid out beautifully. Thank you for your contributions.

Broken Keys and Test Driven Understanding

by Matthias Muth

Step-by-step discussion is the highlight and makes it so easy to follow the logic. Great work.

Digitally Replace Broken Keys

by Packy Anderson (PACKY)

Regex is in demand irrespective of what programming language we pick. Nice to see, how you deal with them. Well done.

Broken digits

by Peter Campbell Smith

DIY tool with detailed task analysis is bonus. You are going to love it, I am confident.

The Weekly Challenge - 275

by Reinier Maliepaard

Nearly one-liner, well formed chained methods. Great job, keep it up.

The Weekly Challenge #275

by Robbie Hatley

Keep it sweet and simple, is the approach taken this week. Nice, keep sharing.

Broken Digits

by Roger Bell West (FIREDRAKE)

My personal favourite PostScript is one of the language showing the workings. Thank you for your contributions as always.

Broken digits

by Simon Green

The post is full of Python magics. I love the end result too. Well done.



Continuous Integration (CI): GitHub Actions for Perl Projects (Free Virtual presentation on July 14)

by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)

In this virtual event you will learn why and how to use GitHub Actions as a CI system for your Perl projects. The meeting is free of charge thanks to my supporters via Patreon and GitHub. Besides this event I am running many more, so make sure you check the Code Mavens meetup group and also register to it.

Weekly collections

Events monthly meeting

July 9, 2024, Virtual event

Purdue Perl Mongers

July 10, 2024, Virtual event

Toronto Perl Mongers monthly meeting

July 25, 2024, Virtual event

London Perl and Raku Workshop

October 26, 2024, in London, UK

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