Issue #680 - 2024-08-05 - Advent Calendar

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This edition was made possible by the supporters of our cause.
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Hi there,

I know we still have 4 months before the Advent Calendar season kicks in but I noticed the ground work has already started by Olaf Alders with the announcement of The Call for Papers for the 2024 Perl Advent Calendar. The CFP is open until midnight on Friday September 30th EST. I would like to request all Perl fans to share their fun encounter with Perl as an article for the upcoming Perl Advent Calendar 2024. I have already submitted my proposal and keeping my fingers crossed. While talking about, Advent Calendar, I would love to see Dancer2 Advent Calendar to come back with full force. If I remember correctly, we didn't have the complete calendar last year. Being Dancer2 fan, I would really want it to get back to its peak. Dave Cross is one of those who uses Dancer2 for building applications. In the recent post, he shared his experience about deploying Dancer Apps. Even my personal website is a Dancer2 REST API application.

It's a bit late to share but better late than never. We have the monthly post about What's new on CPAN - June 2024 by Mathew Korica. Kudos for the effort and thanks for keeping the tradition alive.

Enjoy rest of the newsletter.

Mohammad Sajid Anwar


Perl Advent Calendar 2024 CFP

You are cordially invited to write an article for the 2024 Perl Advent Calendar. The CFP is open until midnight on Friday September 30th EST.

Virtual presentations for Perl developers

GitHub Pages for Perl developers (Free Virtual presentation on August 15)

by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)

In this virtual event you will learn how to use Markdown and GitHub Pages to create a simple web site and then we'll extend our use of GitHub Actions to generate the site using Perl. Register now!


What's new on CPAN - June 2024

by Mathew Korica

Please checkout the monthly post abput the cool collection of CPAN modules. Find out more about the new addition.

Deploying Dancer Apps (Addendum)

by Dave Cross (DAVECROSS)

This is the second post in continuation to what was discussed in earlier post: Deploying Dancer Apps.

This week in PSC (154)

Regular updates from Perl Steering Council. Happy to see the progress report. Thank you all for your time and efforts.

Why Perl Remains Indispensable in the Age of Modern Programming Languages

by Otmane

An honest opinion and view about Perl. What do you think?

The Weekly Challenge

The Weekly Challenge by Mohammad Sajid Anwar will help you step out of your comfort-zone. You can even win prize money of $50 by participating in the weekly challenge. We pick one champion at the end of the month from among all of the contributors during the month, thanks to the sponsor Lance Wicks.

The Weekly Challenge - 281

by Mohammad Sajid Anwar (MANWAR)

Welcome to a new week with a couple of fun tasks "Check Color" and "Knight's Move". If you are new to the weekly challenge then why not join us and have fun every week. For more information, please read the FAQ.

RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 280

by Mohammad Sajid Anwar (MANWAR)

Enjoy a quick recap of last week's contributions by Team PWC dealing with the "Twice Appearance" and "Count Asterisks" tasks in Perl and Raku. You will find plenty of solutions to keep you busy.

Asterisks Appear Twice

by Adam Russell

Welcome back to blogging. Suprise to see do { } for loop construct. Highly recommended.


by Ali Moradi

Time for some clever regex in Perl and you end up with one-line. Cool work, thanks for sharing.

Count Twice

by Arne Sommer

Powerful one-liner in Raku is on demand every week. Keep it up great work.

Why Is This Interesting?

by Dave Jacoby (JACOBY)

See how to keep the logic simple and still get the elegant solution. Incredible, keep it up great work.

Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 280

by Jaldhar H. Vyas

Simply use split and hash, you end up with nice easy to follow solution. Smart and clever approach.

Regular Pairs

by Jorg Sommrey

Well documented extended regex solutions, very brave indeed. Thanks for sharing knowledge with us.

Perl Weekly Challenge 280: Twice Appearance

by Laurent Rosenfeld

Straight forward and to the point without any gimmicks. Short little discussion is very handy too. Great work.

Perl Weekly Challenge 280: Count Asterisks

by Laurent Rosenfeld

Great show of regex in Perl and Raku. Thanks for sharing knowledge with us.

grepping everything!

by Luca Ferrari

Mix of Raku, Python, Java and PostgreSQL will keep you busy as always every week. Pleasure to see how implementation differs. Thanks for sharing.

Perl Weekly Challenge 280

by W Luis Mochan

Ideal use case for one-liner in Perl this week by master of one-liners. You really don't want to skip it.

There Is More Than One Way To Regex

by Matthias Muth

Love the journey to get the desired output. Plenty to learn from the experience. Great work, keep it up.

Appear Twice, Count Once

by Packy Anderson (PACKY)

I liked the Approach section where we get to see the finer details then implementation in varieties of languages. Highly recommended.

Counting the stars

by Peter Campbell Smith

Interesting use of regex and we have pretty cool solutions in Perl. Thanks for sharing knowledge with us.

The Weekly Challenge - 280

by Reinier Maliepaard

Simple use of hash in Perl is good enough for Twice Appearance task. Smart approach, well done.

The Weekly Challenge #280

by Robbie Hatley

Interesting use of finite state machine with detailed discussion. Loved the use of Unicode character. Keep it up great work.

The Sudden Appearance of Asterisks

by Roger Bell West (FIREDRAKE)

Line by line discussion is very handy even if the language is alien. This week choice of languages for post are Raku and Rust. Thanks for your contributions.


2024.31 Mondrianally

by Elizabeth Mattijsen (ELIZABETH)

Weekly collections

Events monthly meeting

August 13, 2024, Virtual event

GitHub Pages for Perl developers

August 15, 2024, in Zoom

Purdue Perl Mongers

August 14, 2024, Virtual event

London Perl and Raku Workshop

October 26, 2024, in London, UK

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