Issue #686 - 2024-09-16 - Perl Conference

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This edition was made possible by the supporters of our cause.
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Hi there,

Talking about conference, I would like to share a big announcement about The Perl and Raku Conference 2025. It was a big surprise for me. I hope and wish this time, it would be a big crowd puller for both attendees and sponsors. We even have the action report of TPRC 2024 as shared by TPF. Plenty of interesting results came out of it.

Well, if we are talking conference then how can we miss the long awaiting London Perl & Raku Conference 2024. It is going strong as we are approaching the event. A gentle reminder to myself to get my slides ready for my talk. I am super excited to meet my heroes in person.

Last but not least, you please take care of your health. Enjoy rest of the newsletter.

Mohammad Sajid Anwar


Dates and location have been set for TPRC 2025!

by D Ruth Holloway

For all Perl and Raku fans, the venue for TPRC 2025 is declared finally.


TPRC 2024 after action report

by Amber Krawczyk

We now have feedback for TPRC 2024 as shared by TPF.


The Weekly Challenge

The Weekly Challenge by Mohammad Sajid Anwar will help you step out of your comfort-zone. You can even win prize money of $50 by participating in the weekly challenge. We pick one champion at the end of the month from among all of the contributors during the month, thanks to the sponsor Lance Wicks.

The Weekly Challenge - 287

by Mohammad Sajid Anwar (MANWAR)

Welcome to a new week with a couple of fun tasks "Strong Password" and "Valid Number". If you are new to the weekly challenge then why not join us and have fun every week. For more information, please read the FAQ.

RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 286

by Mohammad Sajid Anwar (MANWAR)

Enjoy a quick recap of last week's contributions by Team PWC dealing with the "Self Spammer" and "Order Game" tasks in Perl and Raku. You will find plenty of solutions to keep you busy.


by Ali Moradi

Master of compact and readable Perl code. Incredible, keep it up great work.

Self Order

by Arne Sommer

Raku magic once again showing the power of one-liner. Thanks for sharing knowledge with us every week.

Not Quite a Quine

by David Ferrone

Do you miss code review? I do a lot. Thanks to the post this week, I got a glimpse of it. Thank you for your efforts.

Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 286

by Jaldhar H. Vyas

This is for both Perl and Raku fans. You get to see the flavour of both and implementation too. Keep sharing knowledge with us.

Randomly Extremal

by Jorg Sommrey

Don't you love the rule breakers? I love them as it make the game more interesting. Hihgly recommended.

Perl Weekly Challenge 286: Self Spammer

by Laurent Rosenfeld

Lots of Perl and Raku magic in display this week. Plenty to keep you busy, thanks for your contributions.

Perl Weekly Challenge 286: Order Game

by Laurent Rosenfeld

Over the time, we noticed the translation of Raku into Perl but this week we got the bonus Perl to Raku port. Brilliant, thanks for sharing.

Perl Weekly Challenge 286

by W Luis Mochan

This week we got more than what we asked. I really enjoyed the variation. Thanks for your contributions.

The Random Spammer Testing Game

by Matthias Muth

Loved the detailed implementation knowledge, it makes the reading so easy to follow. Great work, keep it up.

Spammer Game

by Packy Anderson (PACKY)

Blogging is a special skill and here you get to see it yourself. Technical blog can be fun too. Well done.

My word - and min max

by Peter Campbell Smith

CPAN can be handy when you struggle to find the quick solution. How? Please checkout the post.

PWC 286

by Peter Pentchev

Interesting take on interpreted and compiled languages trying to find the program source. Enough to keep you busy, great work.

To The Weekly Challenge #286

by Robbie Hatley

Nice breakdowm of task into easy to understand action. The end result is short and crispy. Cool, keep it up.

The Game of Order

by Roger Bell West (FIREDRAKE)

CPAN can never let you down, if you know what you are looking for. Here we found another gem function that takes all the work load. Highly recommended.

Quines are boring, but generative AI still can't do my job

by Tim King

Story telling format is one of my favourite and this is exactly what I like. It is worth checking, you really don't want to skip.

Week 286 - Self Spammer & Order Game

by Torgny Lyon

Clever recursive function is not a bad choice, to be honest. I liked the implementation too, keep it up great work.


2024.37 Rainbow Highlighting

by Elizabeth Mattijsen (ELIZABETH)

Weekly collections


Toronto Perl Mongers monthly meeting

September 26, 2024, Virtual event monthly meeting

October 8, 2024, Virtual event

Purdue Perl Mongers

October 09, 2024, Virtual event

London Perl and Raku Workshop

October 26, 2024, in London, UK

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