Perl Weekly
Issue #77 - 2013-01-14 - ¡Arriba! Moe
latest | archive | edited by Yanick Champoux
Another week with lots of entries added by Yanick++
Yanick Champoux
by Andy Lester (PETDANCE)
Andy Lester breaks out the bad news (and by the same token give us 13 things we can work on to let the love flow).
by John Napiorkowski (JJNAPIORK)
You missed the Catalyst advent calendar the first time around? John Napiorkowski gives you a second chance to dig into that annual Holidays gift, and as a bonus provides a best of of all previous years.
Perl: To be, or not to be?
Two contradicting posts came out in a very short time span. Is Perl dead yet?
by Sebastian Willing (SEWI)
Sebastian Willing got frustrated (again?) by the people who think Perl is dead.
Steven Little is know to be crazy and genius and also the creator of Moose. He published his slides from the Perl Oasis ranting about Perl, what else. The slides are full of vampires. If that frightens you, you can read the Reddit discussion. On a second thought, maybe I'd go for the vampires...
The rant, err, I mean commentary of chromatic on how he thinks this whole forking thing could work out. Or not.
Quality Assurance
mdk announces that the Perl Quality Assurance website is now live, and that the next QA Hackaton will take place between the 12th and 14th of April.
Using Apache as a load balancer? Then you might look at the new API fREW concocted for its balancer manager.
by Joel Berger (JBERGER)
Joel Berger shows us how many lines it takes to have Mojolicious serve a directory and all its children as a static files. Spoiler: it's under ten.
Michal Wojciechowski had some free time during the Holidays. In his case, this resulted in a first beta version of Arriba, a PSGI web server implementing the SPDY protocol. This is 2013, welcome to the future.
Want to make the life of the translators working on your module easier? Then David Wheeler's Dist::Zilla::LocaleTextDomain is probably something you want to look into.
by Tokuhiro Matsuno
tokuhirom released a first version of Perl::Build, which seems to be a programmatic sibling of the more cli-oriented perlbrew.
by Tokuhiro Matsuno
Sometimes, language is not even a barrier. One look at the code snippet of tokuhirom's blog entry is assured to make you go 'aaaaah....'.
by David Oswarld (DAVIDO)
Slides of the 30 minutes to CPAN talk given by David Oswald at the Thousand Oaks Perl Mongers.
As Shawn M Moore (SARTAK) wrote, use Moo instead. According to MetaCPAN, currently there are 194 CPAN distributions depending on Any::Moose.
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
Calling all the CPAN authors to update the META information of their packages including the license field and the link to the repository where they develop the code. If there is one.
Perl 6
The winter vacation is over. The Perl 6 developers are back with blog posts and news!
Perl Tutorial
It can be surprising at first, but it works the same as you do when you read your shopping list.
Weekly collections
I usually list the next 3-4 events here. The list of all the events can be found on the web site. If your Perl event is not listed there, please let me know.
February 24-25, 2013, Tel Aviv, Israel
March 13-15, 2013, Berlin, Germany
You know, you could get the Perl Weekly right in your mailbox. Every Week. Free of charge!