Perl Weekly
Issue #93 - 2013-05-06 - DBIx::Class - the 'x' Now Stands for Xtremely Fast
latest | archive | edited by Yanick Champoux
this issue was put together by Yanick Champoux, I just added a few extra items. (Thanks Yanick!) If you follow my other Perl-related publication, the Perl Maven site, you saw that in the last two weeks I started to conduct interviews with Perl developers. Do you find these interviews interesting? What else would you like to ask? Who else would you like to see being interviewed? Let me know!
See you next week!
Yanick Champoux
Based in London, state51 makes a platform to manage music and metadata. Working with distributors, indie and major labels we have delivered millions of tracks to hundreds of music services. The developer team is small and in control of its own tools (Catalyst, Moose, Git, Puppet, Jenkins) and environment. Full job posting here
by John Napiorkowski (JJNAPIORK)
A new release of DBIx::Class is out. Amongst the new stuff that it brings:performance improvements. How much performance improvements? According to some of the benchmarks, it is 20 very sweet percents faster than the previous release.
Deadline for application is May 8th. Hurry!
Steve Cook writes a nice primer to the wonderful world of Moose (and roles,natch).
Nikos Vaggalis interviews Flavio Glock about Perlito, the compiler collection that implements a subset of Perl 5 and Perl 6.
A benchmark of web frameworks in many languages. Perl being represented by Dancer, Kelp and Mojolicious.
by Dave Cross (DAVECROSS)
Dave Cross's blog has a new 'article' section where he has put the articles that he wrote for 10 years ago. Will you dare boarding this Nostalgia Ride?
by Sawyer X (XSAWYERX)
SawyerX was interviewed by the Russian e-magazine Pragmatic Perl. At last, an English version is now offered for the Cyrillic-challenged amongst us.
Want to learn all about Pinto, but can't read English? You're in luck, its tutorial is now translated in 8 other langu-- hey, wait a second here, how come you can read this, then?
by Vyacheslav Matyukhin
Vyacheslav Matyukhin gets bitten by the pesky peculiarities of PATH across platforms.
by John Napiorkowski (JJNAPIORK)
Ah yes. Asynchronicity. Six syllables fit so send shivers down many a developer's spine. John Napiorkowski explains how much fun the Catalyst team is having with it nowadays, and ask for users' input to help trace the path forward.
One of the CPAN's strengths is its army of testers, relentlessly testing all new modules on all platforms under the sun. And one of the reasons why this army is so large is how easy it is to join. Alceu Rodrigues de Freitas Juniorreminds us how to join the corps and -- to keep things interesting -- how to turn the whole thing into a game.
So you have enough tests that you have to begin to think about how to organize them? Congratulations, that's an excellent problem to have! chromatic shows us here how he goes on organizing his own tests.
by brian d foy (BDFOY)
brian d foy has been playing with Heroku and Mojolicious. When things go well,they go very well. But what about when they go not as well? brian offers some tricks to debug things effectively.
Profiling software in production can sometimes feel like checking the oil level of cars on the highway. Rafael Garcia-Suarez shows us how does it without any roadkill fatalities.
Dabbling in e-conomy? Good news: John Wang releases a new version of Encode::Base58::GMP that supports Bitcoin.
What is niftier than a Raspberry Pi with Perl? A Raspberry Pi with Perl and(thanks to Mark Dootson) all the Wx/WxWidgets bindings, to provide nifty GUIs to your yummy Raspberry projects.
by Carl Mäsak
How Carl Masak led a bunch of people in the subway through Github while writing Perl and creating clickable maps.
The Perl Foundation has four grant proposals for this quarter, dealing with conference tools,rpms, web frameworks and pinto. Go, have a look, and don't be shy to leave comments.
Slides & Videos
Dave Rolsky, as interviewed by Gabor Szabo.
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
Gabor Szabo's interview with Tadeusz Sosnierz (aka tadzik),the developer of the Perl 6 Pod Parser and Panda, the Perl 6 module installer.
Weekly Collections
I usually list the next 3-4 events here. The list of all the events can be found on the web site. If your Perl event is not listed there, please let me know.
May 25-26, 2013, Warsaw, Poland
June 3-5, 2013, Austin, Texas, USA
August 12-14, 2013, Kiev, Ukraine
September 19-21, 2013, Keio University Hiyoshi Campus, Tokyo, Japan
You know, you could get the Perl Weekly right in your mailbox. Every Week. Free of charge!