Perl Weekly
Issue #98 - 2013-06-10 - YAPC is Over, Reruns Season on YouTube Just Begins
latest | archive | edited by Yanick Champoux
YAPC::NA came and went and, by all accounts seen so far, was a smashing success. For those not fortunate enough to have been present, a plethora of videos and slidedecks are now flooding YouTube and the various blogs -- hunt these down in the 'Slides and Videos' section. Beside those talk links, this week has been fairly quiet, a side-effect of having a huge portion of the Perl community being busy having a jolly good time. However, fear not: we can safely expect blogging volumes to return to normal next week, as hackers slowly trickle back to their keyboards. ~Yanick
Yanick Champoux
We're a growing software company using open source software/modern Perl practices to build innovative e-payment, auction, and tax collection web applications. We're looking for talented, motivated professionals committed to flawless work and customer service. Email resume:
by Yanick Champoux (YANICK)
Yanick reminds us that the end is nigh. In this case, the end of Twitter's support of version 1 of their REST API (which is due for June 11th). Is your code, and the plugins of your web framework updated and ready to weather the storm?
by brian d foy (BDFOY)
Did you know that, up to perl v5.18, the vertical tab wasn't part of the \s character class. Or, let's be honest: did you even remember that there is such a thing as a vertical tab? brian d foy reviews for us how the space classes changed between perl v5.10 and v5.18.
by brian d foy (BDFOY)
Want to know, bullet-point-style, what's new in perl v5.18. brian d foy gives it to you, unadorned.
by brian d foy (BDFOY)
Perl v5.18 has this new experimental feature that warns if your code use things that are not totally set in stone yet. brian d foy goes over the features that trigger experimental warnings and, just as important, shows us how to hush those warnings.
by Curtis 'Ovid' Poe (OVID)
You have test fixtures that you need to run in a certain order. So you name them 'aaa_first()', 'bbb_second()', right? Wrong! That's a classic anti-pattern, and Ovid shows us how to deal with ordering fictures in a much more elegant way.
by Buddy Burden (BAREFOOT)
When writing slidedecks, you want the presentation software to be as inobstrusive as possible. In fact, you probably want writing slides to be as easy as jolting notes on your favorite editor. That's pretty much what Buddy Burden thought, too. Hence, meet Vroom, a vi-based slideshow.
by Yanick Champoux (YANICK)
Every hacker, sooner or later, will come up with their own template system or blog engine. In this instance, Yanick comes up with the second generation of his blog engine. And his own templating system. And a few other things.
Slides & Videos
You missed YAPC::NA? Well, you're in luck: Brian Wisti has compiled as much of the links to the videos and slides of the talks as it is humanly possible in this blog entry.
David Wheeler was in Ottawa a few weeks ago, and gave a talk entitled "Agile Database Development with Git, Sqitch, and pgTAP". Here are the slidedeck'ed evidences.
Just in case the YAPC::NA videos aren't enough for your visual appetite.
It began with a Catalyst talk. They wanted more. So Laufeyjarson now talks about DBIx::Class.
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