2013.08.27 in #110WebKeePass or how to build your own cloud-aware keyring
Do you us a single password on every system? If not, how can you remember all the passwords? Maybe you use KeePass to store them? Then how do you access them through a web browser? Alexis Sukrieh has a solution written, not surprisingly, in Dancer.
2014.09.03 in #163The art of interviewing programmers, the fizzbuzz test, the white board and other thoughts
Not exactly Perl specific, but Alexis Sukrieh has some good point for the interviewers. Of course if you are looking to be employed by a good firm, you might also want to read this to see the reasoning behind some of the interview questions and processes. For example: Who the hell needs to be able to program at a whiteboard?
2015.10.28 in #223Dancer Book kickstarter
The Dancer core team are working on a book, and they're using Kickstarter to help fund that effort. 10 euros will get you an electronic version of the book, and 40 euros will get you a print copy of the book.