2023.05.21 in #617Top 10 Cloud Provider Comparison 2023: VM Performance / Price
I always feel overwhelmed when I need to select a VM on one of the cloud providers. What do the different CPU types mean? How will the impact the performance of my application? etc.
2024.10.10 in #690Weather::OWM released on CPAN
A new module, Weather::ORM just arrived. The OpenWeather API has a Free tier with both current weather and forecast, which makes the module useful to anyone interested in fetching weather for any location.
2025.03.24 in #713Create a static mirror of your DEV blog
An interesting direction. As far as I know DEV.to has a feature to automatically create articles from an RSS feed on your blog. So one could write the original on her own blog site and then easily post it on DEV.to as well even setting the canonical_url on DEV to point to the original article.
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