2011.08.02 in #2Nitty Gritty Details From YAPC::Asia by Daisuke Maki (lestrrat)
YAPC::Asia is the biggest Perl event in the world with more than 500 visitors. The organizers are looking for more talks and sponsors. This post has a few links for previous talks and it also explains the finances behind YAPC::Aisa and JPA, the Japan Perl Association. BTW tickets for YAPC::Asia are already on sale.
2011.10.20 in #14A Glimpse Of YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2011
Daisuke Maki (lestrrat) wrote a nice report about YAPC::Asia including the videos of all the presentations. That's another thing both the EU and the NA YAPCs could learn. All the videos were uploaded 4 days after the conference ended.
2011.10.24 in #13Listing of all (?) the blogs posts about YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2011
Daisuke Maki (lestrrat) points out that they collected more than 150 blog posts about YAPC::Asia. Most of them are in Japanese of course but there are a number of entries in English for the rest of us. I think this is awesome to have so much publicity and to provide some sort of recognition to the bloggers themselves.
2012.01.12 in #25s/ZeroMQ.pm/ZMQ.pm/g
Daisuke Maki (lestrrat) has released a new binding to zero.mq usng the opportunity to change the name of the Perl module as well.
2012.03.26 in #35The Latest State of Perl ZMQ Bindings
Daisuke Maki (lestrrat) writes about his latest progress in Perl binding for ZMQ. This sounds very interesting and apparently there are people such as Ask Bjorn Hansen and Steffen Mueller who know exactly what lestrrat is talking about but I don't. Even after looking at the web site of 0MQ all I managed to get away with was the tag line 'The Intelligent Transport Layer'.
2012.05.17 in #43Leaflets for YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2012
Daisuke Maki (lestrrat) is showing use some leaflets they have prepared to explain what YAPC is for people who are not familiar yet. We should all learn from the Japanese how to promote Perl and our Perl related events.
2012.05.22 in #44YAPC::Asia Tokyo Facebook Page
Daisuke Maki (lestrrat) linked to the Facebook page for YAPC::Asia and recommends other event organizers to hire a professional photographer. While I have this uneasy feeling of spending money on such stuff, actually I think this is a great idea. It can certainly help bring more people to the next event and help make it easier to get sponsorships.
2012.09.26 in #62YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2012 Day -1
Daisuke Maki (lestrrat) provides us with daily coverage from the biggest Perl conference on Earth. This is day -1, but if you check his later posts, you'll find the reports from during the conference itself.
2012.10.02 in #63A Glimpse of YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2012
Daisuke Maki (lestrrat), the main organizer of YAPC::Asia looks back at the event and provides and overview. There are links to pictures and videos as well!
2013.04.23 in #92Perl5 Census Japan 2013
Though I'd probably call it a survey and not a census, but the numbers are interesting. Especially coming from a country that holds the biggest Perl conference, has a very lively Perl community, but has relatively little connection to the European/USA Perl community I am more familiar with. Daisuke Maki (lestrrat) gives a peek into the Perl community in Japan.
2013.09.21 in #113YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2013 is over
Daisuke Maki (lestrrat) who ran the biggest Perl events in the world decided to retire from this volunteer position. YAPC::Asia is looking for a leader and an organizer!
2014.09 in #164What Do You Want Your YAPC To Be?
Daisuke Maki (Lestrrat) who organized YAPC::Asia in the past 6 years (or so) gives his thoughts on what was the goal of YAPC::Asia and how it can attract 1,300 attendees? see also reddit.
2014.10.29 in #171The Final YAPC::Asia Tokyo in 2015
Daisuke Maki (lestrrat) writes that he is going to organize the biggest ever YAPC::Asia, which as you might know is not specifically a Perl event. It will also be the last one of its type. Unless of course someone steps up to organize more. It will take place on 20-22 August, 2015 in Tokyo.
2015.08.27 in #214The 10th and Final YAPC::Asia Tokyo
Maki-san's recap and reflections on the last YAPC::Asia Tokyo that he'll organise. I don't want to steal his thunder, but there were a lot of people there. You can also see some photos, watch videos of the talks, and read blogs (note that most of them are in Japanese).