2016.02.12 in #238Perl6 module namespace
Enkidu bemoans the fact that lots of Perl 6 modules are being created with top-level names, such as Chess, and not being put in appropriate namespaces, such as Games::Chess.
2016.09.29 in #272Mojolicious and FullCalendar.js
Don't reinvent wheels! Mojolicious and FullCalendar.js can work together to solve a common problem.
2020.03.05 in #450k-Means k-Means-er
As we take another lap around the k-Means race trace, the Porsche 914-2 and Volvo 142E are still neck and neck. This time we'll try a straight-forward normalisation that linearly scales all values to the range [0,1] and see if they still end up in the same cluster.
2020.03.19 in #452Enter the Matrix ... with PDL
We interrupt this k-Means broadcast to bring you an important message about threading.
2020.07.04 in #467Lucky Number Perl 7
Perhaps the most Perlish thing to do would be to actually go and ask the Python community what they would do differently in migrating to python3. Learn from other people's mistakes.