2013.09.06 in #111Dada Mail, v6.6.0 Released!
You're using Mailman, but find it a little long in the tooth? Maybe it's time to try out the competition...
2015.04.28 in #197Dada Mail Eight Released Dada Mail is an Open Source Contemporary Mailing List Manager written in Perl. This release moved from CGI to FastCGI and Plack/PSGI.
2015.06.30 in #206Using HTML::Tree to create magic
Dada Mail, one of the oldest and still actively maintained open source Perl projects got a new release and in it some new capabilities for branding to an existing site. How did Justin implement this so the user won't need to learn 3 new pieces of technology?
2015.12.11 in #229Dada Mail v9 Released
Dada Mail is an email list manager written in Perl. Justin announced the release of version 9.