2011.10.26 in #14Perl tutorials suck (and cause serious damage)
Christian Walde (Mithaldu) first asked 'How do newbies find Perl learning materials online?' which led to a number of comments and blogs about the subject and then back to Mithaldu who wrote a POD-like article about the state of the Perl tutorials and the state of the search results when looking for 'perl tutorial'. This generated lots of discussions both on the blog and on Reddit.
2011.11.02 in #15Helping people find good Perl tutorials
In this article I was trying to encourage the Perl community to help the newbies by directing them to the good Perl Tutorials. At the end of the article you can find a link to the new web site of Christian Walde (Mithaldu) cataloging the Perl tutorials.
2011.11.02 in #15Perl Tutorial Hub
Christian Walde (Mithaldu) started a listing and evaluating all the Perl tutorials on the Internet. It would be of great help if you could also help him.
2011.12.03 in #19Augmenting the Perl debugger for fun and profit
Mithaldu, who is also known as as Christian Walde, explains why it is good to let your debugger skip on internal calls and how to do that using his brand new DB::Skip.
2012.01.19 in #26Why does your site not link to perl.org?!
Christian Walde (Mithaldu) published another article that calls on all the web sites, small and big, that use Perl, to indicate this and to link to perl.org. I am totally in favor!
2013.08.07 in #107Do your piece to fix TIOBE or stop talking about it
TIOBE ranks programming languages. While many people shown that TIOBE has its flaws, most people only want an easy answer and thus look at TIOBE for an answer. Mithaldu (aka. Christian Walde) has a long fight improving the position of Perl. The simple point is that it would be probably hard to get TIOBE fixed and we - people writing about Perl - are misleading the way it creates its ranking. (You can see some numbers in the post and in the comment section.) So the suggestion is to use the expression 'Perl Programming' in places where you'd normally just write Perl. You might think 'why should we play according to their rules?', but isn't that what we do when we provide solutions in broken environments, using outdated software? Isn't that part of what we, Perl programmers, excel? Mithaldu included some simple instructions for what you could do, even if you don't have a web site.
2013.10.25 in #118How to use the debugger with Moose
I have been a long-time fan of the command line debugger that comes with Perl, but in certain cases, especially when using Moose, it has issues. Now Ovid shows a solution using DB::Skip written by Christian Walde.
2014.05.02 in #145Segfault Fixing for Dummies
Answering a couple of questions such as 'How to print debug messages in XS?' and 'How to validate memory accesses of a C program on Windows?'
2016.06.18 in #256Please test developer releases of OpenGL
Christian is doing some developer releases of the OpenGL module, and would like your help: please try and install it, and let him know what happens.