2018.01.07 in #337Test::Snapshot - automate externalising "expected" data
What if you have a bunch of test cases with input data files and expected output data files and then, due to a change in the requirements the code and thus the expectation should change. Will you update all the expected data files manually? With Test::Snapshot you can automate that task.
2018.10.18 in #378XML::Invisible - writing parsers without pain or code
With the recently released XML::Invisible v0.03, you can write parsers that produce XML-like Abstract Syntax Trees (AST), or actual XML documents, without writing any code.
2021.12.21 in #544PDL 2.063_01 released
Summary: 64-bit indexing, native complex number support, automatic pthreading using all available CPU cores, faster installation thanks to parallel-building, memory-mapped data, repository hosted on GitHub, easy to use "with" Inline.
2022.03.17 in #556PDL 2.077 released
Lots of performace improvements in the latest release. Please check out the link for more details.