2011.08.29 in #6TWiki.org Announces TWiki-5.1 General Availability
Twiki is one of the most widely used applications written in Perl. It has 50,000 installation and it is used as mission critical tool in major corporations. 'The primary focus of this release is usability enhancements, such as point and click user data management, more visual user profile pages with picture selector, and a backup feature that helps upgrade TWiki sites. The new release also strengthens TWiki as an application platform to more easily build custom wiki applications.'
2011.09.07 in #7How to Run a Long Background Process in a Web App
Peter Thoeny from Twiki explains a way how to handle long running processes in response to browser requests. This is an ongoing question that trips a lot of people who want to build a web interface to an existing system. Eg. a build machine. Unfortunately this solution does not work on Windows.
2011.09.15 in #8How to Use Regular Expressions to Parse Nested Structures
Peter Thoeny uses the SpreadSheetPlugin of TWiki as an example to show how to build a mixture of subroutines and regular expressions to parse data that can have nested elements. (eg. XML or HTML)
2011.12.20 in #22TWiki I/O Architecture Explained
In the Perl community we mostly talk and read about modules and how to use while in corporations they mostly care about large and complex applications. I think it is very important to read about large and complex open source applications such as Twiki. I'd be very interested in how do they do development and testing of the whole system.
2012.03.29 in #36Public TWiki Sites
Did you know that Pixar runs on Perl (too)? And the other nice web sites? Most of the TWiki installations are in-house but there are a few that are publicly accessible.
2015.04.19 in #195Generate a Dice-Indexed Passphrase using TWiki
This TWiki.org blog post describes how to create a dice-indexed based passphrase using a TWiki-based generator embedded in the blog post. All done with some TML (TWiki Markup Language) and some HTML.