2012.01.03 in #24The Perls of 2011
Breno G. de Oliveira (Garu) has posted a detailed and awesome overview of what happened in the Perl community in 2011.
2012.02.27 in #32Perl Oasis 2012
A report by garu (Breno G. de Oliveira) on his trip to Orlando.
2012.04.09 in #38Perl QA Hackathon
A late memoire from the Brazilian player called Breno G. de Oliveira (garu).
2012.05.30 in #45Moving modules across perlbrew installations
If that was not enouh about upgrading then look here. David Austin complained that it is hard to ensure you install all the CPAN modules in the new perl after upgrading. Breno G. de Oliveira (garu) had a quick solution. - I'd say this problem only means you don't have proper configuration management, but I would not say it too loud because I don't have either :(
2012.12.05 in #72Are you relying on hash keys being ordered?
When people use the keys() function on hashes, they quickly notice that the result is always the same. It takes a lot of energy to tell them they cannot rely on this order. With the recent changes in perl this will be much more obvious, making it easier to teach. This will also break the code of all those people who rely on the order despite what the documentation says. Breno G. de Oliveira explains it clearly and even show how the order that keys() returns changes even in current versions of Perl.
2013.06.29 in #101YAPC::NA 2013 ROCKED!
Garu shares his experience at YAPC::NA this year, capturing pretty well the joyful, effervescent maelstromish atmosphere of the conference.
2013.07.08 in #103Scala for Perl 5 Programmers
Not only has Garu (aka. Breno G. de Oliveira) learnt programming in Scala, he also went all the way and prepared a Scala tutorial especially for people with Perl 5 programming background. Oh, and if you'd like to know why to learn Scala: if for nothing else, to be able to contribute to the Moe project. If that isn't interesting to you, then consider the fact that learning foreign languages improves the way you express yourself in your own language.