2012.11.01 in #67Web::Query 0.10 contains incompatible change.
Web::Query changed from throwing exception to returning false. Interesting in light of the recent discussion about autodie that elevates false returns to exceptions in the built-in functions.
2013.01.12 in #77Shipped Perl::Build 0.01!
tokuhirom released a first version of Perl::Build, which seems to be a programmatic sibling of the more cli-oriented perlbrew.
2013.05.25 in #96CLI for Compiler::Lexer
Tokuhiro Matsuno show a small script to use Compiler::Lexer, a Lexical Analyzer for Perl 5.
2013.06.10 in #99Docopt.pm - Command-line interface description language in Perl5
Docpot, originally implemented for Python is now being ported to Perl by Tokuhiro Matsuno. You will replace your Getopt::* module to derive the command line interface from the 'Usage' information in your POD.
2013.06.24 in #100RLE in Perl5
Tokuhiro Matsuno shows how to do Run-length encoding in Perl 5. Short, to the point.