2011.08.07 in #3The future of Perl 5
A very good summary of what's going on at the Perl 5 porters and what are the plans of Jesse Vincent for Perl 5. - I missed this one last week but it is important enought to include it now.
2011.11.27 in #18Finding a lost dog's owner with Perl and WWW::Mechanize
Andy Lester posted an article by Adam Gotch who was trying to access a web site - to help a dog - and wanted to automate the task to save time. A good reason to learn Perl.
2012.04.04 in #37Using WWW::Mechanize to get my scratchy 45s
Andy Lester uses WWW::Mechanize to download mp3 files. Who would thought :). Not only that. He uses mech-dump that probably only he knew about. Until now.
2012.04.27 in #40Before you write a patch, write an email
Andy Lester offers his opinion on how to approach an open source project with patches. I am not sure. I think, while this make sense, is in contradiction with the earlier message: 'code speaks'. So what do you think?
2012.06.19 in #48My YAPC::NA 2012 notes and recap
Andy Lester (petdance) has also described his experience on the Perl Buzz web site. He gave a very nice lightning talk about Ack 2, and then uploaded the first alpha version of it. In this post, Andy describes the talks he attended in great detail. Very useful for people who could not attend them or who could, but need a reminder.
2012.09.20 in #61Leveraging Open Source Experience in Your Job Hunt
In an ironic turn, by the time Andy Lester finished the article explaining the subject, he himself had to start looking for a new job. If you are (not currently) looking for a job I'd recommend reading this. I believe one should constantly keep her CV up to date, and I know having the right contacts is the best way to find a new position. Oh and in case you are looking for a programmer who can come up with ideas such as WWW::Mechanize or ack, check out the CV of Andy.
2012.10.29 in #67vim-perl needs your help
Andy Lester has collected all the Perl-related vim snippets that were flowing around, but now he needs someone to help him, or to take over the project. If you are a vim user, this is your chance to give back (more) to the community!
2013.03.13 in #86perl101.org needs a new maintainer
Andy Lester doesn't have the time required to work on perl101.org, and need somebody to take on the torch. Could that be you?
2013.04.19 in #91ack 2.0 has been released
ack is incredibly useful for developers who know they way around the command line. If you don't use it yet, you are wasting your time! It helps you locate code snippets like grep, but focusing on the right files.
2014.06.03 in #150What I learned in college because I had to use mainframes
As a follow-up to Andy Lester's article of last week, Joe McMahon reminesces about the days where computers's weight (in tons) and storage capacity (in megs) were roughly equivalent, and how that wildly different paradigm shaped his skills.
2019.01.15 in #391ack 3.0 is now in beta!
I always use ack when looking for code string or snippets in my code-base and I always show people how useful it is. If you have not tried it yet, do it now. It is available in Debian and Ubuntu and probably in other Linux distributions as well, and you can get it directly from the source as well.
2019.03.08 in #398SQL::Tiny
Andy Lester recently released the distribution SQL::Tiny that can be used to generate SQL code for simple cases. He needed it to replace lots of adhoc SQL in some of his test suites.
2019.04.06 in #402SQL::Tiny
Andy recently added the ability to pass SQL function. Take a look, it is a clever piece of code.
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