2011.10.30 in #14GCI: Google Code-in and The Perl Foundation
Google is trying to get students between the age 13-17 involved in Open Source. The Perl Foundation wants to take part in it and Paul Johnson has extensively written about it. You have less than 24 hour before the deadline.
2011.11.13 in #16Perl Accepted For GCI - Now We Just Need Students
The Perl Foundation was accepted to participate in the Google Code-in. Now it is time to find students between the ages 13-17 years who are interested to participate. That's where The Perl Foundation needs your help. See the post of Paul Johnson (pjcj) with details.
2012.03.31 in #36Vim report for Devel::Cover (Perl QA Hackathon)
Paul Johnson stole some ideas from Ruby so now you can see (part of the) report from vim. Cute green >> marks and red :( marks appropriately on lines without a coverage. I tried it and for me it was only working on the files in blib/lib but maybe I need to fix something in my setup.
2012.04.03 in #37Grant Application: Improving Devel::Cover
Paul Johnson has submitted a large grant request to improve Devel::Cover. I think this is the first large grant requests - outside of core perl - and I think this is a very important one. Both, because Devel::Cover is a very important tool and because I think giving out grants of this size will enable some serious work. I think this can be a much better use of the money TPF got than trying to have many small grants. I also think that Paul is a person who will be able to execute what he planned. Please, comment on that post and if you work for a company that is serious about Perl and Quality, then let them know they could give money to TPF to run more such projects.
2012.05.29 in #45cpancover
Paul Johnson has started work on his Devel::Cover grant from TPF which includes a new home for the CPANCover web site. I did not even know about that site. Yay!
2012.08.09 in #55Devel::Cover Grant Report for July
One question stands out: Are you using Devel::Cover on anything else than *nix or Windows? If yes, please contact Paul Johnson ASAP! He needs your input. - Actually even if you are using it on Windows or *nix you can contact him and thank him for his work!
2012.11.05 in #68Google Code-In 2012
It is unclear to me if the dead-line is already over or not, but even if it is over, I am sure listing further ideas for small (few hours long) projects could help once The Perl Foundation is accepted in GCI.
2013.06.23 in #100TPF Devel::Cover grant report May 2013
I really appreciate the work Paul Johnson does with Devel::Cover. I just don't understand why does The Perl Foundation not post these reports on their site as they do with the other two major grants.
2014.06.19 in #152A Productivity Enhancing Perl Environment
Paul Johnson gives lots of ideas to set up a work-environment. Starting from the desk and all the way to a number of vim-plugins. (London Perl Workshop - 25 min)
2014.10.23 in #170Austrian Perl workshop videos
Videos from the recent Austrian Perl workshop are now on youtube. See Marko Jozic talking about Bootstrap and Dancer 2 for newbies; Tim Bunce on Devel::NYTProf; Stefan Seifert on Inline::Perl5; Paul Johnson on Docker; Lars Dieckow on HTTP tricks, and some guy called Larry.
2014.12.30 in #180Improving Devel::Cover Grant Completed
The full report of Paul Johnson on his grant and his work towards making Devel::Cover even more awesome than it was previously.
2016.03.31 in #245Upping minimum version for Devel::Cover
Paul has difficulty testing Devel::Cover on older versions of Perl and thus he is raising the minimum required version of his module. He just wonders if anyone finds that problematic. I think there is a general issue of how much open source developers want to spend their time supporting code free of charge. What do you think?
2016.04.09 in #246Happy 15th Birthday, Devel::Cover!
Paul first released Devel::Cover on 9th April 2001, the day after Perl 5.6.1 was released. Paul has been chief maintainer from then 'til now, but he also points out that 86 other people have contributed to it over the last 15 years.
2016.04.22 in #248Half time at the Perl QA Hackathon 2016
As Paul puts it: 'A large part of the value of the QA hackathon is in the discussions that take place when people can sit together and thrash something out, or bounce ideas off each other.'
2019.04.29 in #406The Perl Toolchain Summit 2019
Paul was looking for a solution to install system dependencies of CPAN modules before generating their coverage.
2024.05.05 in #667The Perl Toolchain Summit 2024
Upgrading the OS and Perl can go terribly, but one has to do it anyway and it is probably better to do it frequently than rarely.