2020.11.09 in #486Weekly Challenge 086
Simon's short and simple blog post is still very intriguing.
2020.11.21 in #487Weekly Challenge 087
Simon uses code comments to share the ideas behind his solutions.
2020.11.23 in #488Weekly Challenge 088
Simon presenting a step-by-step solution to the Spiral Matrix is interesting.
2020.11.30 in #489Weekly Challenge 089
Simon very elegantly used a brute-force technique to solve the Magic Matrix task. Just loved it.
2020.12.13 in #490Weekly Challenge 090
Congratulations to Simon for becoming the Champion. Thanks for blogging on dev.to and promoting the cause.
2020.12.14 in #491Weekly Challenge 091
Simon keeping it brief, short and precise. You won't miss the beauty of regex.
2020.12.21 in #492Weekly Challenge 092
Simon kept his solution and discussion to the point. Good job.
2020.12.29 in #493Weekly Challenge 093
Simon broke the task into subtasks and made it look like a walk in the park. Incredible.
2021.01.05 in #494Weekly Challenge 094
Simon made the Anagram Grouping task look like a schoolboy task. Incredible.
2021.01.17 in #495Weekly Challenge 095
Simon using the dev.to platform for blogging is a great way to promote the weekly challenge. Thank you, Simon.
2021.01.31 in #497Weekly Challenge 097
Simon made the tasks look simple by breaking them into smaller tasks.
2021.02.06 in #498Weekly Challenge 098
Simon correctly pointed out that the readN() task should have been task #2 as it turned out to be harder than task #2. He nailed it in the end.
2021.02.15 in #500Weekly Challenge 100
Simon came up with a cryptic one-liner. Decoding one-liners is always fun.
2021.03.04 in #502Weekly Challenge 102
I love the honesty as Simon confessed his solution is not the most optimal solution. Please check out the whole story.
2021.03.09. in #503Weekly Challenge 103
Cool promotion of Perl on dev.to. Well done and keep it up.
2021.04.04 in #506Weekly Challenge 106
Simon shared his research while working on Decimal String task. We all get it for FREE, thank you.
2021.04.11 in #507Weekly Challenge 107
Simon's List Methods task solution is very cool. Please check it out yourself.
2021.04.18 in #508Weekly Challenge 108
What a coincidence, I also got some help from the same animated GIF. Nice to know that both of us follow the same path.
2021.04.27 in #510Weekly Challenge 110
Cool use of map and logical-defined-or; thanks for sharing the magic.
2021.05.09 in #511Weekly Challenge 111
Simply loved the creativity in accepting the matrix and target. Nice discussion about his approach.
2021.05.12 in #512Weekly Challenge 112
Simon approached the Climb Stairs task in a very fun way. Loved it.
2021.05.17 in #513Weekly Challenge 113
Simon's choice of data format for representing a binary tree is very smart. I liked the story behind it too.
2021.05.24 in #514Weekly Challenge 114
Simon's use of brute force method made it compact and concise. Cool attempt.
2021.06.07 in #516Weekly Challenge 116
Simon shared an interesting story about numbers. Thanks for sharing the story and solutions.
2021.06.14 in #517Weekly Challenge 117
Thanks, Simon, for talking about Shroder Number. I didn't know about it. I learn so much by just reading the blogs by Team PWC. Thank you for your effort.
2021.06.23 in #518Weekly Challenge 118
Simon also split task #2 into smaller tasks to make it easier to explain. I loved it. Thank you.
2021.07.27 in #523Weekly Challenge 123
Simon never beats about the bush and always get to the point straight away. He always writes easy to read code. Keep up the great work.
2021.08.03 in #524Weekly Challenge 124
Simon keeps the discussion to the point whether it is task #1 or task #2. You should definitely take a look. Thanks for sharing.
2021.08.16 in #526Weekly Challenge 126
Simon kept the narrative short and to the point as always. Keep it up.
2021.08.29 in #527Weekly Challenge 127
To the point blog post sharing the internals of the weekly contributions in Perl. Keep it up.
2021.08.30 in #528Weekly Challenge 128
Simon broke the task into smaller actions giving us clear instructions to read the code. Always pleasure to read his blog.
2021.09.12 in #529Weekly Challenge 129
I am a big fan of Simon style of blogging. He has the ability to say so much with few words. Keep it up.
2021.09.20 in #531Weekly Challenge 131
Simon used regex power to solve the task this week. Thanks for sharing.
2021.10.09 in #533Weekly Challenge 133
Simon is back with his blog after a short break. Keeping to his trend, it is short and to the point. Keep it up; great work.
2021.10.23 in #535Weekly Challenge 135
Simon does not waste time and comes to the point straight away. I like his short and precise blog posts every week. Thanks for the support.
2021.10.31 in #536Weekly Challenge 136
Simon sharing all the possible ways to deal with the weekly challenge. Always nice to know different ways to solve a task. Thanks for sharing.
2021.11.01 in #537Weekly Challenge 137
Simon brought an interesting topic to the discussion. This is one of the benefits you have with a blog. So easy to share your knowledge. Thanks as always.
2021.11.09 in #538Weekly Challenge 138
Simon is one of the few PWC members who always promotes the weekly challenge on dev.to. Thank you for supporting us.
2021.11.20 in #539Weekly Challenge 139
This week we got bonus solutions in Python. Cool. Keep up the great work.
2021.11.25 in #540Weekly Challenge 140
Simon presents us not only Perl but also Python solutions. For me it is a bonus, I love it.
2021.12.04 in #541Weekly Challenge 141
The only member that I am aware of who blogs on the dev.to site and promotes the weekly challenge there. I am grateful for the support and encouragement.
2021.12.19 in #543Weekly Challenge 143
A real calculator in Perl using regexes. Nice to keep it as reference. Well done.
2022.01.02 in #545Weekly Challenge 145
Simon's use of a sliding window method to solve the Palindromic Tree task is really cool. Keep it up great work.
2022.01.05 in #5462 Fractions and a Prime
Simon's use of Number::Fraction to deal with the 'Curious Fraction Tree' task is really interesting. Thank you for sharing new ideas.
2022.01.14 in #547Look mum, no inputs
Simon picked up the typo in task 2. It was too late when I realised the typo. I loved the blog title too. Thanks for sharing.
2022.01.30 in #549Weekly Challenge 149
Simon has shared not just Perl solutions, but also Python as bonus. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
2022.02.06 in #550Weekly Challenge 150
Simon keeps it short and simple. I find his discussion really to the point. Thanks for sharing.
2022.02.13 in #551Weekly Challenge 151
Simon uses few words to explain the task and keep it simple, to the point. Thanks for your contributions.
2022.02.19 in #552Triangles and rectangles
Nice packaged solution in Perl and bonus Python too. Blog is usual short and compact. Thanks for sharing.
2022.03.27 in #557Three means and big bases
We welcome Simon back after a short break - we missed you and thank you, as always, for your contributions.
2022.04.03 in #558It's a primathon!
A short and simple blog, with to-the-point discussion. Thank you for your support as always!
2022.04.17 in #560Weekly Challenge 160
I am a big fan of Simon's short and simple blog style, which is to the point with no gimmicks. Thanks for your contributions.
2022.06.13 in #569It's all about the numbers
Welcome back to blogging after a short gap. Short and precise blog about the solution. Keep it up great work.
2022.07.10 in #572Weekly Challenge 172
Welcome back to blogging and thanks for sharing the special cases for the task. It gives us so much to think about.
2022.07.14 in #573Weekly Challenge 173
Simon loves Python as well as Perl. So there you get the best of both world. Thanks for sharing the knowledge.
2022.07.24 in #574Weekly Challenge 174
Python and Perl find the space together in the blog. Well done and keep it up.
2022.07.31 in #575Totient numbers on a Sunday
Cool work on optimizing slow code to near perfect. Thanks for sharing the secrets. Well done.
2022.10.30 in #588Weekly Challenge 188
Bonus Python solution together with Perl being part of the blog post. Nice, well done.
2022.11.06 in #589Letter and numbers
Nice comparison between Perl and Python. Thanks for spreading the word.
2022.11.13 in #590Capital letters decoded!
Nicely explained the details of the task "Decoded List". Kudos for the effort.
2022.11.20 in #591The cute recursive function
Smart observations make the task simple and easy to follow. Once again, we get Perl and Python discussed in the blog post.
2022.11.27 in #592Weekly Challenge 192
As always, we got Perl and Python together playing with bits. Well done.
2022.12.04 in #593The odd binary string
Simon style of breaking big task into subtasks makes it so easy to follow. Thanks for your contributions.
2022.12.11 in #594Digital frequency
For both Perl and Python fans, have fun. Well done.
2022.12.24 in #596Weekly Challenge 196
Interesting bunch of Perl and Python creations. Keep it up great work.
2023.01.01 in #597Sorting Lists
One place for both Perl and Python fans. Plenty to keep you busy.
2023.01.08 in #598Weekly Challenge 198
Nice demo of code re-use. Why re-inventing the wheel, well done.
2023.01.14 in #599It's all good
Like every week, we got Perl and Python twin solutions. Keep it up the momentum.
2023.01.22 in #600Two hundred slices
Thank you for spreading the work on dev.to site and your kind message. We got the usual collection of Perl and Python, deadly combination.
2023.01.26 in #601Missing pennies
Python is not far behind Perl when it comes to one-liner. I am loving it. Well done.
2023.02.04 in #602Weekly Challenge 202
Simon gone into the finer details this week, you don't want to miss it. Well done.
2023.02.19 in #604Weekly Challenge 204
Clever use of procesing matrix data as input. Getting the best result using the available choices isn't easy. Python solution is always the bonus for us.
2023.02.20 in #605Weekly Challenge 205
Use of CPAN can be handy when it comes to Perl. By the way Python is not far behind either.
2023.02.27 in #606Weekly Challenge 206
I would recommend you checkout the task analysis and the whole process. Loved it.
2023.03.12 in #607The H Word
Here we have friendly clash between Perl and Python. I really enjoy the competition. Keep it up great work.
2023.03.19 in #608Weekly Challenge 208
You get the nitty gritty exposed in the blog post with examples. Well done.
2023.03.26 in #609Special Accounts
Interesting use of sets and not list. Very smart and unique. Well done.
2023.03.27 in #610Number Challenges
Keeping the Perl flag flying on dev.to for so long. Thank you.
2023.04.16 in #612Jumping Groups
Little more detailed analysis than regular. Still very concise, good job.
2023.04.23 in #613Sorting Routes
Like always we have bonus Python solution as well as Perl. Using all the tricks in the book to get the result. Well done.
2023.05.07 in #615Weekly Challenge 215
Brute force approach can be handy at times. Good one and keep it up.
2023.05.07 in #617Weekly Challenge 215
Brute force approach can be handy at times. Good one and keep it up.
2023.05.14 in #616Letter frequency
Just love the combination of Perl and Python. It reminds me when I used to contribute. Great work, keep it up.
2023.05.28 in #618The one about maximums
Simon nailed it and got the job done with precision. Keep it up great work.
2024.01.14 in #651Lucky values
Another post fully dedicated to the Python's solution. Always pleasure to see the power of other languages. Thanks for sharing.
2024.01.21 in #652Special zeros
Love the power of Python and Perl is not far behind either. Well done.
2024.01.28 in #653The weakest split
You must checkout the Perl vs Python approach to solve a task. I just love it. Well done.
2024.02.11 in #655The most odd thing
Really enjoy the method signature and return type on Python. I wish Perl had this too.
2024.02.18 in #656Matching and zipping
It is rare event when you get to see one liner in Python. Thanks for your contribution.
2024.02.25 in #657The current echelon
A simple comparison of Perl and Python approach. Good to see both on the same page.
2024.03.03 in #658Weekly Challenge 258
Python is the lucky one gets all the limelight. Elegant one-liner in Python. Cool.
2024.03.17 in #660Counting and ranking
Python is my new crush and everytime I read post about Python solution, it feels nice to be able to follow through. The use of defaultdic is one of them. Thanks for sharing.
2024.03.24 in #661Weekly Challenge 261
Near identical solutions in Perl and Python. No wonder Python is second choice for all Perl programmer.
2024.03.31 in #662The maximum divisible
Normally post only talk about Python solutions but you also get the Perl solutions. I find Python cute.
2024.04.07 in #663Finding the target
Couple of interesting thing about Python in this week post. One, use of array as parameter and return list. You don't want to miss it.
2024.04.14 in #664The greatest array
As per the tradition, Python solution is discussed in the blog post. You would agree with me, it looks cute.
2024.04.21 in #665Completing Appearance
Just love the neat and clean solution in Python with surprise element too. Keep sharing.
2024.04.28 in #666Uncommon matrix
Simon is a Python fan apparently as he always discuss his Python solution in the blog post every week. Thanks for sharing.
2024.05.12 in #668The magical number game
Is it possible to have multiple return types in Python? I didn't know that, I liked how it is perfectly used here. Thanks for sharing the magic with us.
2024.05.19 in #669Elements or something
Python solution is always lucky to get the limelight. I really enjoy the compact solution. Thanks for sharing.
2024.05.26 in #670Equalizing positions
For Python fans, the post is always dedicated to Python only but we do receive Perl solutions. I really enjoy the compact solution in Python, specially the return list type. I never knew before. Thanks for sharing.
2024.06.02 in #671Maximizing the 1 bits
Thanks for sharing your encounter with GitHub Copilot. I have used it when it was FREE and enjoyed the magic. I must admit it did good job.
2024.06.16 in #673Finding things
cash rounding vs bankers rounding? Well documented the details, keep it up great work.
2024.06.30 in #675Broken digits
The post is full of Python magics. I love the end result too. Well done.
2024.07.01 in #676Complete frequency
For me, it is the source of Python magics. Thanks for introducting Counters function. Thanks for your contributions.
2024.07.14 in #677Strong counting
Today, I learnt how to declare type for list of list in Python. Thanks for sharing knowledge every week.
2024.08.11 in #681The one about a chess board
Well crafted solution to the tricky Knight's move task with easy to follow task analysis. Thanks for sharing.
2024.08.18 in #682Good keys
Sliding window approach to keep it simple. Not a bad choice, well done.
2024.09.01 in #684The lucky sort
As always blog focussed on Python and it's simplicity. You will fall in love with one-liner. Great work.
2024.09.08 in #685Making connections
Interesting take on recursion with regard to the limits for Perl and Python. Keep sharing knowledge as always.
2024.09.22 in #687Good things
Python is always the pick of the language for the blog post. Here we got the great example of how to use regex in Python. Thanks for sharing kmowledge.
2024.10.12 in #690Double Luhn
Like always, the post is dedicated to Python fans. Plenty for Perl fans to learn. Keep it up great work.
2024.10.20 in #691Index and poker games
`Powerful library of Python makes it so easy to work with Poker challenge. Must for all Python lovers.
2024.11.03 in #693Similar boomerang
Keep it sweet and simple, yet end up with classic end result. This is for both Perl and Python lovers.
2024.11.17 in #695The Break Game
From Perl and Python expert, here we have mix of both. Easy narrative to follow, keep up great work.
2024.11.24 in #696Matchstick compression
Loved the complete regex solution in Python. If you are new to Python then you must check it out. Great work.
2024.12.01 in #697Weekly Challenge 297
Kudos for the effort as taking part in the weekly challenge whilst on holiday. Have fun.
2024.12.08 in #698Maximizing the interval
Dealing with two dimension list in Python is so fun to watch. Anyone looking to get exposure in Python this is your friend.
2024.12.15 in #699The one about words
For all Python lovers, you don't want to miss the regex solution in Python. There is always something new to learn, thanks for sharing the knowledge.
2024.12.22 in #700Nested beauty
Python never disappoint with it's power packed features. Check it out yourself the beauty.
2024.12.29 in #701Hammering lists
Specialised number sort in Perl and Python. II simply love the fresh ideas coming from Python. Keep it up great work.
2025.01.02 in #702Step zero, step one
I liked the complete solutions in Python including input parameter data type and function return type. Cool, keep sharing.
2025.01.12 in #703Earn with 3 digits
This is for Python fans. Anybody can follow the code, it is so simple. Thanks for sharing.
2025.02.02 in #706The last odd
Welcome back after a short break, great to see you in action. Ideal for any Python fans. Keep it up great work.
2025.02.09 in #707Sorting and counting
As always, you get to see the Python magic, very impressive. Keep it up great work.
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