2019.06.23 in #413Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 13
Jaldhar has been participating regularly to the challenge every week but this is the first time he blogged about it. Checkout his blog.
2019.10.18 in #430Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 30
Jaldhar shared really nice tricks with regard to the Christmas day task. "Christmas always falls on December the 25th which is exacly one week before New Years Day of the next year. So if we know the next New Years Day is on a Sunday, we know Christmas is on a Sunday. How do we know which day of the week New Years Day is on? Well, January 1, 2019 was on a Tuesday. January 1, 2020 will be on the next consecutive day of the week i.e. Wednesday. For each subsequent year we increment the day of week by one. The only stumbling block is for leap years which have an extra day. So for the year after a leap year, we have to increment by two."
2020.07.29 in #471Perl Weekly Challege: 071
Jaldhar show how he reused the sub pick() he created for earlier task and that it is identical to the pick() of Raku.
2021.04.25 in #509Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 109
I loved how Jaldhar found the similarity between Four Squares Puzzle and Olympic Rings task. Very smart.
2021.06.21 in #517Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 117
I loved the explanation of Find Possible Paths solution. It is easy to follow for any layman. Thanks for your efforts. BTW congratulations on the second anniversay of your blogging.
2021.06.28 in #518Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 118
Do you want to learn Iterative Deepening A* or IDA*? Well this will definitely help you. Thanks for sharing.
2021.11.21 in #539Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 139
I am glad Jaldhar got the joke and shared his oneliner in Raku. Thank you for your support.
2021.12.05 in #541Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 141
Jaldhar's discussion about the various features of Raku is brilliant. Nice blog post to learn about Raku, in my opinion. Thanks for sharing the knowledge.
2022.03.13 in #555Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 155
Raku subroutine can be named as symbol, a really cool feature. Thank you for sharing the knowledge.
2022.04.03 in #558Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 158
A cool one-liner in Raku is the highlight for me, and the explanation makes it so easy to follow. Keep it up - great work!
2022.05.15 in #564Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 164
Cool one-liner in Raku for Palindrome Prime is great example showing the power of Raku. Keep it up great work.
2022.07.12 in #573Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 173
A very well structured post showing the power of Perl and Raku. Thanks for sharing the knowledge with us.
2022.09.04 in #580Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 180
Jaldhar introduced something new, to me at least, antipairs() of Raku. There is always something to learn about. Thanks for sharing.
2022.09.12 in #581Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 181
A well structured solutions both in Perl and Raku, specially the regex one. Thanks for sharing the knowledge with us.
2022.10.01 in #584Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 184
Nice demonstration about Perl and Raku features about increment string. Keep it up great work.
2022.10.04 in #585Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 185
Beautifully designed one-liner in Raku with exceptionally detailed discussion. Thanks for everything.
2023.03.12 in #607Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 207
I like the line-by-line explanation of the entire solution. It makes it so easy to follow. Well done.
2023.04.16 in #612Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 212
Lots of Raku magic and interesting story about the second task. Keep us entertained every week.
2023.05.07 in #615Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 215
I liked the approach of using common sense as we get to the end result. It makes so much sense. Nice work.
2023.05.07 in #617Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 215
I liked the approach of using common sense as we get to the end result. It makes so much sense. Nice work.
2023.09.26 in #636Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 236
I like the rarely used given/when in Perl solution. You also get bonus Raku version. Thanks for sharing.
2023.11.15 in #643Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 243
Raku once again showing off the power. This is really usefull to someone new to Raku. Thanks for your consistent support.
2024.01.14 in #651Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 251
Raku one-liners once again showing the power as shared in the post. You would be surprised how elegant the end result looks like. Thanks for your contributions.
2024.01.21 in #652Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 252
Great show of code re-use in this week solutions. This is the benefit of doing the challenges for a long time. Thank you for your support and contributions.
2024.01.28 in #653Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 253
Interesting story with regards to command line arguments with double quote. You must check it out.
2024.02.04 in #654Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 254
Here we get to know how Raku deals with decimal number and work around the issues. Good job.
2024.02.11 in #655Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 255
Thorough and detailed discussion of Raku based solution, not to be missed. Keep it up great work.
2024.02.12 in #656Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 256
Method chaining in Raku makes the code so beatiful. You can easily come up with one liner.
2024.03.01 in #658Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 258
Raku one liner is flexing its muscle this time. To be honest, it looks elegant. Thank you for sharing.
2024.04.21 in #665Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 265
Perl and Raku in one blog is a deadly combination. You get to know how to do things in Perl to replicate the Raku features.
2024.04.28 in #666Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 266
This is a perfect gift for all Raku fans. Great discussion of every features used in the solution. You really don't want to skip it.
2024.05.01 in #667Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 267
Perl lacks handy functions as compare to Raku but you can come up with quick one in no time as Jaldhar has shared in this post. You really don't want to miss it.
2024.05.12 in #668Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 268
Ever wanted to implement Z- operator in Perl? Well it is already done and shared. Just check it out yourself.
2024.06.02 in #671Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 271
Unique style of narration is my favourite, line-by-line analysis is very handy. Thanks for sharing.
2024.06.03 in #672Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 272
Smart use of subst() to defang IP in Raku. Line by line discussion is really handy. Thanks for sharing.
2024.06.16 in #673Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 273
One-liner in Raku is very impressive as always. You will find yourself plenty of documentation. Well done and keep it up.
2024.08.01 in #680Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 280
Simply use split and hash, you end up with nice easy to follow solution. Smart and clever approach.
2024.08.11 in #681Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 281
Pure one-liner in Raku is showing off once again with bonus technical analysis. Highly recommended.
2024.08.14 in #682Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 282
I love the regex magic shared in the post. I didn't know if this was possible. Thanks for sharing.
2024.08.21 in #683Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 283
The power of Raku one-liner is showing off once again with detailed discussion to make it easy to follow. Keep it up great work.
2024.09.01 in #684Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 284
Plenty of Raku magics end up in one-liner with every details discussed and enough to keep you busy. Keep it up great work.
2024.09.15 in #686Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 286
This is for both Perl and Raku fans. You get to see the flavour of both and implementation too. Keep sharing knowledge with us.
2024.11.03 in #693Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 293
We all know the compact solution in Raku but replicating the same in Perl is awesome, very impressive. Keep sharing.
2024.11.05 in #694Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 294
Making good use of Raku built-in functions and getting job done in no time. Smart move, well done.
2024.11.19 in #696Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 296
Raku magical multi-dispatch feature in play this week on top of serious regex in action. Highly recommended.
2024.11.27 in #697Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 297
Dealing with pure regex approach in Perl and Raku, elegant solution. Well done and keep it up.
2024.12.30 in #701Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 301
Raku is showing off one more time. Anyone new to Raku, should definitely checkout the post.
2025.01.05 in #702Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 302
Great show of dynamic programming technique with great detail of discussion. You really don't want to skip it.
2025.01.15 in #704Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 304
For a change, I didn't see any magics used this week. Pretty straight forward approach both in Perl and Raku. Keep it up great work.
2025.01.26 in #705Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 305
Raku never miss the opportunity to surprise me, this week too plenty of new features shared. Highly recommended.
2025.02.09 in #707Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 307
Want to have Perl and Raku on the same page? Well this is your place, do check it out. Great work.
2025.02.16 in #708Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 308
It is one post where we get Perl and Raku magic together. On top, we have detailed discussion, incredible.
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