2021.12.01 in #541Some prime thoughts on divisors
Not a regular blogger, Peter, but a unique style of discussion. I really appreciate the points he brought to the discussion table. Great work, keep it up.
2021.12.08 in #542Clarity versus brevity
A very unique style of blogging, focussed on task analysis. Keep it up. Great work.
2021.12.20 in #544Illuminating the Ulam
Great task analysis of the Ulam Sequence task. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.
2022.01.04 in #546Large primes and curious fractions
Peter's discussion of the '10001st Prime Number' task is not be missed IMHO. Thank you Peter for your contributions..
2022.02.10 in #551Locate a leaf and rob a road
Peter's blog post is pure task analysis which is, again, one of the benefits of having a blog post. Thanks Peter for sharing your thought process.
2022.02.18 in #552Lots of angles this week
For me, the highlight of Peter's blog is his task analysis skill. Simply love it. Thanks for sharing.
2022.03.10 in #555Bigint week
Breakdown of a task into smaller subtasks, makes it so easy to follow. Thank you for sharing the knowledge.
2022.03.17 in #556Pernicious and weird ...
Peter's blog make sure all the fun bits are shared. Thanks for sharing the knowledge with us every week.
2022.03.22 in #557Mean Brazilians
Peter's blog shares the fun behind the solution and is always a pleasure to read. Thanks for sharing the knowledge.
2022.03.30 in #558All about primes
Multiple versions of the task are provided! Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us!
2022.04.14 in #560Four is magic and Equilibrium Indices
Peter brought an interesting subject to the discussion table, and you definitely don't want to miss it. Thanks for sharing.
2022.04.18 in #561Abecedarian words and pangrams
A very interesting discussion about the maths behind the task. Always fun to read the blog. Thanks for sharing.
2022.05.09 in #564Palindromic primes and moody numbers
Breaking task into simple and easy steps makes it lots of fun. Amazing quality to have, thanks for sharing your knowledge.
2022.05.18 in #565Dots, lines and whatever fits best
Peter has a lot to say this week as SVG is his favourite subject. It shows in the blog details. Keep it up great work.
2022.05.23 in #566D00DlE5
Algorithm laid out clearly for anyone to get to the bottom of the task. Thank you for sharing the knowledge.
2022.06.06 in #568More funny numbers ... and a very big one
Peter's use of f(23) is quite interesting. The short and precise discussion makes it all fun to read. Keep it up great work.
2022.06.13 in #569Brilliant and Achilles
Clean algorithm and easy to follow. A compact yet effective blog, you don't want to miss it.
2023.04.24 in #614All about points
Peter made the task appears simpler and easy to follow by his simple discussion. Bonus you get to play with his solution. Well done.
2023.05.01 in #615Adopt a chilly ghost
Clean one-liner in Perl and well documented solution as always. Great work, keep it up.
2023.05.01 in #617Adopt a chilly ghost
Clean one-liner in Perl and well documented solution as always. Great work, keep it up.
2023.05.08 in #616Alphabetical exercises
Compact one-liner in Perl using the cool comnination of join,sort,uniq and split. Brilliant work.
2023.05.22 in #618Multiply three and binary matrix
Dedicated member like Peter never stops contributing even when on break. Thank you for everything.
2024.01.08 in #651Lucky concatenations
Iterate from both ends? You must check it how. Keep it up great work.
2024.01.15 in #652Special and unique numbers
Thoroughly discussed and analysed solution like every week. Keep it up great work.
2024.01.22 in #653Split the weakest
I really enjoy the analysis section of the post. Lots of interesting facts mentioned there. Thanks for your contribution.
2024.02.12 in #656Pairs, sriap and MsEtRrGiEngs
The analysis section of the post is the highlight for me every week. Highly recommended.
2024.02.19 in #657Smaller and reduced
Simply love the task analysis and going beyond the comfort zone. Thank you for the detailed post.
2024.02.26 in #658All about the way numbers are written
This is what you get when you use all the magic from the Perl book. You get handy interface to play with it.
2024.03.04 in #659Dates and parsing
A thorough solution to the Date task is not to be missed. Highly recommended.
2024.03.11 in #660Uniquely ranked
Just a simple and straight forward approach, anyone can easily follow. Well done and keep it up.
2024.03.18 in #661Digits and doubling
Lack of clarity in task description handled very well. Task analysis is always fun to read.
2024.03.25 in #662Plus versus minus
Pure Perl solution with just basic language feature. DIY tool for you try as well.
2024.04.08 in #664Greatest letter and mashed arrays
Breaking task into smaller steps make the job so easy. Live demo is the highlight for me as always.
2024.04.22 in #666Solo words and a cross matrix
Love the simplicity in the solution. No gimmicks, pure solution. Get to try as well, really cool. Thanks for sharing.
2024.04.29 in #667Product lines
Peter sharing multiple approaches to get the desired result. You really don't want to skip it.
2024.05.06 in #668Magic and scrambled numbers
Peter finally gave in and created one-liner in Perl. It is so much fun to see how powerful it is.
2024.05.13 in #669Bits distribution
DIY Tool as always with engaging discussion. Highly recommended.
2024.05.20 in #670Lonely ones and equalities
Well documented and crafted solutions in Perl and on top you get to play with it. Well done and keep it up great work.
2024.05.27 in #671All about ones
Using just grep to solve the binary matrix task is incredible. Don't forget to try it out the solutions.
2024.06.03 in #672Fangs and strings
No gimmicks and just straight forward solutions in Perl with bonus DIY tool. Keep it up great work.
2024.06.10 in #673All about characters
Perl pure regex implementation to deal with both tasks. Don't forget to try DIY tool.
2024.06.17 in #674Latin buses
Another Perl regex magic approach, TMTOWTDI. I am a big fan of DIY tool as always. Thanks for sharing the knowledge.
2024.06.24 in #675Broken digits
DIY tool with detailed task analysis is bonus. You are going to love it, I am confident.
2024.07.01 in #676Round days and frequent numbers
I noticed the use of v5.26 and few other bits. I am sure it would work with the latest release too (v5.40). Well done.
2024.07.08 in #677Commons and pairs
Cute little solutions in Perl. So simple yet very easy to follow. Keep it up great work.
2024.07.15 in #678Tangled string and drow
DIY web interface with detailed analysis. Cool quality solutions every week.
2024.07.22 in #679Scrambled and split
Nice hack to get split string task with nice explanation. Well done.
2024.07.29 in #680Counting the stars
Interesting use of regex and we have pretty cool solutions in Perl. Thanks for sharing knowledge with us.
2024.08.05 in #681Anyone for chess?
Impressive Perl regex hack shared in the post. You really don't want to skip it.
2024.08.12 in #682Integggers and keys
Plenty to discuss about the issues faced with regex when using Perl and in the end the work around. Well done and keep it up.
2024.08.19 in #683Occurrences
Try DIY tool to play with your sample data. Interface is very user friendly to keep you engage. Thanks for your contributions.
2024.08.26 in #684Lucky relatives
Task analysis is well drafted to keep you engaged. Ofcourse you have the DIY tool to play as well.
2024.09.02 in #685Dead end coins
Detailed task analysis is the highlight of the post as always and don't forget to DIY. Keep it up great work.
2024.09.09 in #686My word - and min max
CPAN can be handy when you struggle to find the quick solution. How? Please checkout the post.
2024.09.16 in #687Strong and valid
Dealing the task in multiple stages is the coolest approach and easy to follow. DIY tool on top is bonus, you would definitely love to play.
2024.09.23 in #688Nearness and contiguity
It is always pleasure to see how the task contributor deals with his own challenge. I must say, you will love it. Thanks for sharing.
2024.09.30 in #689Big ones and jelmbud wrods
DIY application is the highlight for me as always. Play and see the code side by side. Well done.
2024.10.14 in #691A middling deal
I liked how a non-player takes on Poker challenge. Kudos for the effort, thanks for sharing.
2024.10.21 in #692Find the biggest and clear the balls
Breaking down big task into smaller sub tasks can be very handy. With DIY tool, you get to play with it too. Great work, thanks for sharing.
2024.10.28 in #693Matching and returning
Another mathematical angle to deal with Boomerang task. And on top, DIY tool is handy to play with.
2024.11.04 in #694Sequential permutations
A detailed proof of O(n) time is worth checking. Kudos for the effort, thanks for sharing knowledge with us.
2024.11.11 in #695Spaced out jumps
Another good show of recursion where it does the job every efficiently. Keep up the great work.
2024.11.18 in #696Squeezing and Squaring
Loved behind the scene story about the slow resposnse of using regex. You get DIY tool as bonus as always. Thanks for sharing knowledge with us.
2024.11.25 in #697Room 101 and pretunatmios
Simple and easy to follow algorithm in Perl with DIY tool to play as always. Keep it up great work.
2024.12.02 in #698Turn right at the big square
Nested loops using label to move around is fun to watch. Thanks for sharing knowledge with us every week.
2025.01.20 in #705Binary aliens
You are given 2 different approaches with plenty of documentation. Don't forget to play with the solutions.
2025.02.03 in #707Orders and anagrams
Working through to get the efficient solution can be fun. You would definitely love the journey behind it. Thanks for sharing.
2025.02.10 in #708AND and XOR
Great detailed XOR operation is very interesting, and definitely not to be missed. Thanks for the contributions.
2025.02.17 in #709Mind the gap
A complete solution that anyone can understand and follow. Bonus, you get DIY tool to try as well.
2025.02.24 in #710Arrays and arrays
As the title suggests, plenty of loops. Why not? Go for it and don't forget to use DIY tool.
2025.02.27 in #706Odd Game
Don't you love when you are presented with multiple solutions to the same problem. Plent to learn each week. Keep it up great work.
2025.03.03 in #711gROUP dIGIT sUM
Our latest champion back with yet another gem of a solution. Don't forget to try DIY tool, impressive work. Keep it up.
2025.03.10 in #712Time box
I like the simplistic approach, without any gimmicks. The task analysis is not to be missed. Well done and keep it up.
2025.03.17 in #713Broken letters
With regex based solution, I always need explanation otherwise you spend good amount of time to get your head around if it is a complex one. Here you even have DIY tool to test it as well. Great work.
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