2019.04.04 in #402Perl Weekly Challenge 002
Adam Russell joined the team in the second week but solved last week challenge as well. Here he explains the solution to the second challenge.
2019.05.14 in #408 Perl Weekly Challenge 008
Adam solutions always focus on performance. Read the blog to find out more.
2019.05.26 in #409Perl Weekly Challenge 009
Adam is one of the consistent blogger about weekly challenge. He again came up with clean solution with lots of explanation.
2019.06.02 in #410Perl Weekly Challenge 010
I love the way Adam Russell approached each challenge. It made me re-wired my own solution.
2019.06.23 in #413Perl Weekly Challenge 013
Adam is also very active member of the team. His blog introduced me to few interesting links. Check it out yourself.
2019.07.14 in #416Perl Weekly Challenge 016
I enjoyed the discussion of the task in the blog as it shows the thought process. Highly Recommended.
2019.07.19 in #417Perl Weekly Challenge 017
Adam literaly converted the task spec into perl subroutine. It can't be any simpler. Great use of Parse::Yapp, I must confess it took me long to get my head around.
2019.07.28 in #418Perl Weekly Challenge 018
Adam use of Class::Struct brought back good old memories. This is the beauty of weekly challenge that you are free to experiment with different ideas. You must read the blog.
2019.07.31 in #419Perl Weekly Challenge 019
Adam re-used some code from previous week challenge. He used Sakamoto method to calculate "day of week".
2019.08.11 in #420Perl Weekly Challenge 020
I noticed, Adam, attempted Perl6 for the first time. Please do checkout his blog.
2019.08.24 in #422Perl Weekly Challenge 022
I loved the comment by Adam that he learnt LZW compression for the first time. I am relieved that I am not the only one. I loved his compression algorithm.
2019.09.08 in #424Inverted Index Formatting
The best part of Adam's blog is his detailed explanation of his solution.
2019.09.15 in #425Pokemon Name Ladder
Adam made use of graph theory to solve Pokemon sequence task. It is always fun to read the blog.
2019.09.15 in #425Chaocipher Card Simulation
Adam used card deck to show his solution to Chaocipher. A very interesting take, must read.
2019.09.22 in #426Perl Weekly Challenge 026
Adam, ex-Champion, came up with his unique blog. You can't afford to miss it.
2019.09.29 in #427Perl Weekly Challenge 027
Adam shares how he used standard formula to figure out intersection of two lines.
2019.10.06 in #428Perl Weekly Challenge 028
Adam solved the "Digital Clock" using POE::Component::Schedule and some ANSI escape codes. Please do checkout.
2019.10.13 in #429Perl Weekly Challenge 029
I simply loved how Adam explained with an include C file and steps to execute.
2019.10.19 in #430Perl Weekly Challenge 030
Reading Adam's blog always enjoyable, specially the section NOTE in the end.
2019.10.26 in #431Perl Weekly Challenge 031
Adam took the challenge to another level by doing in C++. Please do checkout the blog for more details.
2019.11.10 in #433Perl Weekly Challenge 033
Adam used Perl formatting magic very beautifully for Task #2. Even Raku solution looks very similar to Perl. Great.
2019.12.08 in #437Weekdays and Daytimes
Adam went one step further and fetched the data using web scraping technique. A very good use of HTML::TableExtract.
2020.12.06 in #489Perl Weekly Challenge 089
Adam's blog is never short of resourceful contents. You are going to enjoy it as much as I did.
2020.12.13 in #490Perl Weekly Challenge 090
Interesting to read Adam's reference to YAPC 2009 with regard to the DNA task.
2021.01.03 in #493Perl Weekly Challenge 093
Reading the notes at the end of the blog is the best thing. You don't want to miss out.
2021.01.10 in #494Perl Weekly Challenge 094
Adam, thanks for reminding us of the "Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic". It seems I no longer know any mathematics.
2021.01.17 in #495Perl Weekly Challenge 095
Thanks, Adam for introducing struct in Perl. I have never used it before
2021.01.24 in #496Perl Weekly Challenge 096
Adam showing Perl a adaptation of a Haskell implementation deaing with the "Edit Distance" task. An interesting approach.
2021.01.31 in #497Perl Weekly Challenge 097
Adam made use of a bitwisw operator to solve the binary substrings task. You don't want to miss it.
2021.05.16 in #512The Weekly Challenge 112
Adam presented cute modularised solutions to this week's challenges. Nice work, keep it up.
2021.05.23 in #513The Weekly Challenge 113
Adam's use of pack()/unpack() is really interesting. There is always something new to learn. Thanks for sharing.
2021.07.11 in #520Swapping Bits / Time Angle
I noticed something new in both of Adam's solutions, the use of MAIN: {}. Never seen this before. Something to explore later. Thanks for sharing knowledge.
2021.08.01 in #523Ugly Numbers / Square Points
Adam sharing his work in C++ and Prolog this week along with Perl. What a bonus, thanks for sharing.
2021.08.17 in #526Perl and Computer Science
Discord server for the purposes of discussing more academic Computer Science type topics, as they relate to Perl.
2021.10.17 in #534Perl Weekly Challenge 134
A very special regex solution to the Pandigital Numbers task. Thanks for sharing this knowledge.
2021.10.24 in #535Caught in the Middle With SEDOL
Adam's blog post is precise and to the point. You don't want to miss the little NOTE section. Thank you.
2021.10.31 in #536Friendly Fibonacci Summands
Adam's approach to the "Fibonacci Sequence" task is really interesting. I liked how he made it go beyond the task. Nice attempt.
2021.12.05 in #541Like, It’s Just the First Ten Numbers Man!
Thanks to Adam for introducing Data::PowerSet. This is the first time, I have noticed it. Thanks for your support and encouragement.
2022.03.13 in #555Fortunate Pisano
The best part of Adam's blog is the Notes section where everything is explained. Thank you.
2022.03.20 in #556Persnickety Pernicious and Weird
Use of CPAN module makes the solution sleek. Thanks for introducing new CPAN modules. Keep it up great work.
2022.04.17 in #560Four is Equilibrium
A clever use of recursive functions to solve the "Four is Magic" task. Twisted my brain with pack/unpack too! Thanks for sharing.
2022.04.24 in #561Are Abecedarians from Abecedaria?
Perl one-liner to find Abecedarian word is very special, you must take a look. Thanks for your contribution.
2022.05.01 in #562The Weekly Challenge 162
Straight forward solution to the task ISBN-13 in Perl. Thank you for your contribution.
2022.09.18 in #582Deepest Common Index
Adam breaking down the task into smaller actions and dealt with each makes it easy to follow. Thanks for sharing.
2023.01.08 in #598Prime the Gaps!
Nice discussion about the task "Max Gap", thanks for sharing.
2023.01.15 in #599Multiple Goods
Did I repeat the past task? Well, it seems yes. Should have been more careful? Nice demo of do blocks and postfix for.
2023.01.29 in #601How Many Missing Coins?
Code re-use and smart use of exists makes it really fun. Keep it going.
2023.02.05 in #602Into the Odd Wide Valley
Good to see the use of Perl v5.36, thanks for spreading the knowledge.
2024.03.16 in #660This Week a Ranking Occurred!
Adam's use of do { ... } for .. always fascinates me. Mind you this is happening alongside the latest Perl v5.38.
2024.03.23 in #661These Elements, They’re Multiplying!
Using pack() then unpack() to get the element sum. This is something very handy. Find out more in the post.
2024.06.08 in #672Defanged and Scored
Nice to see you back to blogging. Nice demo of recursion to get the job done. Thanks for sharing the knowledge with us.
2024.08.04 in #680Asterisks Appear Twice
Welcome back to blogging. Suprise to see do { } for loop construct. Highly recommended.