2012.02.27 in #32How many faces do you count?
Max Maischein (Corion) keeps working on Image::CCV that can process images, recognize faces (and sometimes other things as faces) and provide you with the coordinates.
2016.04.12 in #247Virtual Spring Cleaning, an interlude
Corion shows us the tools he is using to clean up the mess. Basically a set of tests he uses for his CPAN modules. Some nice suggestions there, though I think I'd also add a test using Perl::Critic and one using Perl::Tidy.
2016.09.20 in #270Introducing MIME::Detect
Another entry in Max's occasional series about tidying up code he's written, to release as hopefully-useful CPAN modules. His new module File::MimeInfo will try to identify the MIME type of a file.
2022.11.16 in #591Live streaming the release of Perl 5.37.6
By the time the Perl Weekly reaches you this will be over, but I hope it is recorded so you will be able to see the recording.
2023.01.20 in #600OTOBO supports the German Perl/Raku-Workshop
Happy to see GPW getting support of OTOBO. You should attend the workshop if you can. It is not just for German speaking audience. I have attended once in the past too.
2025.02.11 in #708nicsell supports the German Perl Workshop
nicsell is now supporting German Perl Workshop. nicsell is a domain backorder service, also known as a dropcatcher, which allows you to bid on a large number of domains that are currently being deleted.
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