2013.07.12 in #103jam - glue between pinto and scm
I am not entirely sure I like that instead of adding a feature to an existing project, people create a new tool because one feature was missing. OTOH, I love the fact that people are creating solutions to problems, so let's see what Alexey Melezhik builds.
2014.03.10 in #138pjam on rails - build server for perl applications
This looks like some strange animal. A build-server for Perl applications, but running on Ruby on Rails? You might want to check it out and let everyone know what's it about?
2015.08.13 in #212Swat and Mojolicious
Want to try a new way to test your Mojolicious applications? Alexey might have something for you.
2015.08.19 in #213swat for Dancer
SWAT is simple DSL to create a smoke tests for any web application in easy and fast way. Dancer is a modern light-weight web framework for Perl
2015.10.16 in #221swatpm.org updated
SWAT is a Web Test Automation Framework. It seems you need to create the routes of the server as directories and files on your local system, and put in the files the expected response and then just run swat. Interesting concept.
2015.10.22 in #222Outthentic - yet another test framework
A new high-level black box testing framework is introduced here. The idea seems to compare the output of a given "story" against what is expected, and report if there's any discrepency between the two.
2015.11.08 in #224Outthentic latest releases
Outthentic is a language to validate arbitrary plain text. Very often a short form 'DSL' is used for this term.
2015.11.27 in #227Sparrow - tiny web monitoring tool
The first alpha version of this web monitoring tool is now on CPAN as Sparrow, and also on github. Alexey is hoping that other people will join him in developing Sparrow and the SWAT web testing framework that it's built on.
2015.12.18 in #230SparrowHub - swat plugins repository
swat and sparrow are two parts of a tool-chain for rapid web test automation development. SparrowHub is their 'CPAN'. And apparently Alexey is on a quest to anger some spelling enthusiasts.
2015.12.29 in #232Fast monitoring scripts development
At first I thought that Alexey is a pirate who keeps talking about sparrow, but apparently that's a bird. So what is the connection between a bird and web site monitoring? Is that the good sight? Being light-weight? Or that it never seem to rest?
2016.01.09 in #233Swat tests for blogs.perl.org
A blog entry on blogs.perl.org about how to use 'swat' to monitor the health status of blogs.perl.org. A blogception of some sort, if you will.
2016.01.28 in #236curl + swat VS selenium
You'd be hard-pressed to find such two wildly different test automation tools. But how do they compare for the same task? Melezhik finds out.
2016.02.17 in #239Am I reinventing a wheel?
melezhik has written a plugin for his outthentic tool that reports and monitors disk usage. He is, however, wondering if he might not be reinventing the wheel. If so, he's also wondering if somebody could point him to any perl-based radial prior art.
2016.02.21 in #2393Party - cpan modules third party testing
melezhik is musing aloud about a potential new service that would provide black box-type integration testing for modules (as opposed to the unit testing that CPANtesters provides). Interested? Let him know!
2016.02.26 in #240Introducing CPANParty
Not getting a lot of (or any?) feedback won't stop a true believer in the cause. Alexey throws a party. You are all invited.
2016.03.28 in #245cpanparty is over
It is really hard to shut down a service you built and invested in, but if the expected users don't come to the party... then it is probably better to step back, regroup and do something else.
2016.04.01 in #245monitoring failed minion tasks with minion-check
I like that Alex has so many ideas and so much energy. Minion is a job queue for the Mojolicious real-time web framework. Sparrow is the testing/monitoring framework written by Alexey.
2016.06.07 in #255sparrowhub.org updated
You might recall Sparrow provides automation and SparrowhHub is a list of plugins for it. In other words it is a repository of reusable automation scripts.
2016.10.17 in #274SparrowHub Plugins Request
SparrowHub is a repository of useful automation scripts. Talk to Alexey if you have any idea for an automation script & want to add it to SparrowHub.
2018.06.19 in #361Swat v. 0.2.0
Simple Web Application Test is a Web testing framework using Outthentic::DSL. This version has some -minor- breaking changes.
2019.05.30 in #410Azure Automation with Perl6 and Sparrow6
Alexey shows you how to automate interaction with Azure KeyVault. This case is typical as it often happens when one need to read secrets from keyvault and use them somehow.