2013.07.08 in #103Fennec V2.x - Testing made better
Chad Granum has released the second version of his test module. It is a testing framework built on top of Test::More and Test::Builder so it is familiar to you. It looks like something I should try.
2013.07.21 in #104Chad (Exodist) Granum, author of the Fennec testing tool
After 2 months of break, the Perl Maven TV is back with an interview with Chad Granum. Most of the time we talked about Fennec, the testing environment for Perl modules and applications, but we also covered DCI (Data, Context, Interactions) a bit. The interview is available both as a YouTube video and a downloadable mp3 file.
2014.07.03 in #154Changes to Test::Builder/More/Simple incoming
Changes are coming to the Test::* modules, Chad Granum warns us. As those modules are the foundation of most test suites, it might indeed be a good idea to check what those are.
2014.08.16 in #160The new Test::Builder - "Why?"
Lots of changes are coming to Test::Builder. Chad Granum explains their motivation here.
2015.01.04 in #180Test-Simple release plan
The Test-Simple distribution is the heart of all the testing in the Perl ecosystem. Changing it and releasing it to the CPAN can break the installation process of every Perl user around the worl. Helping Chad by testing it before he releases to everyone will surely make him happy.
2015.03.07 in #189Test-More status update
An update from Chad on his work on the Test-More distribution, in particular what exactly will be shipping with Perl 5.22. He's been working on some refactoring, and benchmarking his changes, but realised that one of his changes didn't have the impact he'd thought. It's great to see this getting discussed and written up "in the open".
2015.03.18 in #191Test::More in serious need of review, be afraid!
Exodist is planning to release a new version of Test::More to CPAN. If that version breaks some a CPAN module, that CPAN module will become uninstallable. (Well, sort of.). Not only that. If the new version starts to report success when something failed then your code might be full of bugs while everything looks fine. In case you want to neither of this will happen, you can put some energy into looking at the changes and testing the new version.
2015.10.29 in #223Test::Stream going stable
The Test-Stream distribution is the successor to Test-Simple, the distribution that contains Test::Builder, Test::More, and more. There has been a lot of discussion, experiment, and even a few heated words over the last year. But now Chad says it's moving out of the experimental phase, and explains what he means by that.
2015.12.29 in #232Grant Report: Test::Simple/Stream Stabilization
Last time there was a bit of a noise about Test::Simple not breaking backward compatibility. So I wonder, will we have another drama like that this time as well?
2016.01.24 in #235The problem with Exporters (Meet Importer)
Why does the import() function need to be part of the module that is exporting functions? Shouldn't it be part of the language or at least an tool that can import?