2016.11.20 in #279Movie-like film reader/printer based on Perl 5
Something we all did at least once, and that probably occupy 50% of the workload of the IT department of any given CSI show: a cute little script printing text in a way that mimic human typing. Nicely enough, you can compare this Perl 5 solution with its Perl 6 sibling of last week.
2018.12.03 in #385PostgreSQL 11 Server Side Programming - Quick Start Guide
I don't know if I'll ever need to write code on a PostgreSQL server, but if I do I know which book I am going to buy. Heck, I might buy it just to learn about a subject I have never used before. Congratulations Luca!
2021.06.15 in #517Perl Weekly Challenge 117: quick and dirty
Luca's Raku solution to the Find Possible Paths task is my favourite this week. The code looks elegant. Thanks for your efforts.
2021.07.12 in #521Perl Weekly Challenge 121: bits and salesman
Luca didn't like The Travelling Salesman task but still managed to present us the solution in a simple and easy-to-follow way. Thanks.
2021.08.04 in #524Perl Weekly Challenge 124: difficult women
Luca used Raku a class to deal with the task #1. I noticed the intensity in his work. I respect the honesty in his contributions. Keep up the great work.
2021.09.06 in #529Perl Weekly Challenge 129: trees and sums
Luca being a Raku lover, once again shared cool use of Raku class. Nice introduction to Raku class if you are new to Raku. Thanks for sharing.
2021.09.13 in #530Perl Weekly Challenge 130: quick
I hate trees with a passion! sums up all the emotion by Luca. However we still got clean Raku code.
2021.10.09 in #533Perl Weekly Challenge 133
Luca's solution to the Smith Numbers task in Raku is the highlight of this blog post. Check it out for more Raku magic.
2021.10.11 in #534Perl Weekly Challenge 134
Great demonstration of Raku power and very well explained as always. Thanks for sharing the knowledge.
2021.11.08 in #538Perl Weekly Challenge 138: split working days
Luca once again shares Raku and bonus solutions in PostgreSQL. Luca keeps things simple and I find it easy to follow. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
2022.04.11 in #560English equilibrium
Luca is a great promoter of the Raku language. I liked his one-liner in Raku, which was very interesting. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
2022.04.20 in #561Perl Weekly Challenge 161: words
Luca has been sharing PostgreSQL solution for sometime now. It is always fun to read it alongwith Raku solutions. Thanks for sharing.
2022.05.02 in #563Perl Weekly Challenge 163: the infinite loop
Luca not only shares his Raku magic but also clever solutions in PostgreSQL. It reminds me my days with Oracle. Keep it up great work.
2022.05.09 in #564Perl Weekly Challenge 164: quick and easy
Luca came up with yet another Raku magical solutions. Like always we got bonus with PostgreSQL solution too. Thank you for everything.
2022.05.18 in #565Perl Weekly Challenge 165: SVG
Luca's forte is Raku but I am sure you would appreciate his PostgreSQL solution. Thanks for everything.
2022.05.23 in #566files, directories and hex!
Elegant Raku solutions together with PostgreSQL implementation. I enjoyed it thoroughly. Thank you.
2022.05.30 in #567too much math!
Method chaining in Raku makes the solution so compact. He even dared to face the Gamma function task. Congratulations.
2022.06.06 in #568prime numbers is many ways!
Luca never misses the opportunity to impress with his Raaku skill. We also got bonus PostgreSQL solutions too. Thank you for your contributions.
2022.06.13 in #569primes and more primes!
Luca is another Raku fan. I get to learn a lot about the language every week. Thanks for your contributions as always.
2022.06.20 in #570primorial matrix!
Luca making good use of Raku power to get the job done. Keep it up great work.
2022.06.27 in #571numbers and references
Compact and modularised solutions in Raku and PostgreSQL as always. You don't want to skip it. Thanks for sharing the knowledge.
2022.07.11 in #573sly
Sharing the trick from Raku, as always. Keep it up great work.
2022.07.25 in #575Sunday Math!
Luca is known for his compact Raku solutions. This time too, we got two cool solutions in Raku. Thanks for sharing the knowledge with us.
2022.08.02 in #576scrumbled numbers
Luca showing the power of Raku in this week solutions. Thanks for sharing the knowledge with us.
2022.08.10 in #577Damn numbers!
Well documented solutions as always by Luca. Keep it up great work.
2022.10.10 in #586zip and unicode
Shortest solutions in Raku. Thank you for sharing the Raku magic.
2022.10.17 in #587overlapping days and numbers
Brute force method in show, not a bad choice. In the end you get a clean solution. Keep it up great work.
2022.10.30 in #588I have no time this week!
I loved the parameter checking in the signature. Clean approach, well done.
2023.02.06 in #603Nested Loops
Using good old loops did the trick this time. Clean solution, well done.
2023.02.13 in #604Arrays everywhere!
Pure logical solutions in Raku without the use of any special features. One can easily port it to Perl. Easy Peasy.
2023.02.23 in #605nested loops in a rush!
Raku is playing the smart game and getting the job done without any trouble. Great job.
2023.02.27 in #606hard times!
A very raw solution in Raku showing the internals. Cool attempt. Thanks for sharing.
2023.03.06 in #607arrays everywhere!
Making good use of Raku power, we get the one-liner solution to H-Index task. Very impressive.
2023.03.17 in #608grep, grep and grep!
grep in action with full force using Raku. Easy to follow the solution.
2023.03.20 in #609grep and loop
Luca does with Raku what James does with Perl. Well done and thanks for sharing.
2023.03.30 in #610I didn't get very well
Lack of clarity in the task created so much confusions. Still we have solution ...
2023.04.11 in #612Jumping words and batching arrays
Raku magic made the task so easy. Still getting it together is an art. Thank you for the contributions.
2023.04.17 in #613from here to there!
Nice little one-liner in Raku and a very brave attempt to deal with shortest route task. Thanks for sharing.
2023.07.12 in #625Perl Weekly Challenge 225: I m back
Welcome back and congratulation on your new job. I hope to see you regular now. Thanks for your contribution as always.
2023.07.17 in #626Array indexes everywhere!
Like always, we have Raku and PostgreSQL solutions, enough to keep you busy. Thanks for sharing.
2023.07.31 in #628Sums and Swaps
Complete and compact solution in Raku as always. You get bonus SQL solution too. Thanks for sharing.
2023.09.18 in #635integer arrays
Self documented solution for you and plenty of Raku gems too. Well done.
2023.09.25 in #636Arrays and Loops
Without any jargons, here we have simple yet elegant Raku solution. Thank you Luca.
2023.10.02 in #637in the need for caffeine!
Raku is very smart dealing with mathematical problems. Keep it up great work.
2023.10.09 in #638running sums and multiplications
What a surprise, we got Python for the first time. No wonder, it is the most popular choice after Perl and Raku.
2023.11.27 in #645Hashes and Joins
Choice of multipl approach using the power of Raku. You really don't want to skip it.
2023.12.04 in #646Brute Force Math!
Use of brute force method can be handy at times. Keep it up great work.
2023.12.11 in #647arrays everywhere!
Presenting the power of Raku's regular expression. Greatly discussed too.
2023.12.18 in #648enjoy nested loops!
Raku powerful features help to create a very compact solution. You also got bonus solutions in Python and PostgreSQL. Keep it up great work.
2024.01.04 in #650the first one of 2024!
Raku magical one-liner showing off. Sweet and short discussion is very handy.
2024.01.08 in #651rows and cols, what a mess!
For me, the function parameters validation is the highlight. Of course the body is very thin, thanks to the Raku power.
2024.01.15 in #652doing math to get zero!
Cute one-liner in Raku is worth checking. And you also get bonus Python solutions too. Well done and keep it up.
2024.01.29 in #654vowels and roots
Simple and to the point solutions in Raku, Python and PostgreSQL. Plenty to keep you busy.
2024.02.05 in #655Banned Words and Exceeding Letters
BagHash? Never heard before but then I hardly scratch the surface. Thanks for sharing the knowledge.
2024.02.14 in #656Valentine's Challenge
Thanks for sharing the inner details of zip. All Raku fans must checkout this.
2024.02.19 in #657Post-Valentine Challenge
Raku is very good at creating one-liner for search and lookup job. You would be surprise to see the result. Well done.
2024.02.26 in #658arrays of sums
Incredibly compact and elegant solutions in Raku. Highly recommended.
2024.03.04 in #659too much work to do!
Using regex type of Raku make code looks clean and elegant. Well done.
2024.04.10 in #664array indexes mess
You will find the Raku one-liner very engaging as always. Keep it up great work.
2024.04.15 in #665arrays and dictionaries
Any PostgreSQL fan? Checkout how you would solve the challenge using SQL power. Well done.
2024.04.22 in #666words and matrix indexes
Raku special feature of method chaining is taking the limelight. Raku Rocks !!!
2024.05.08 in #668arrays and slices
Another Raku fan talking about rotor of Raku. I wonder if this can be reproduced this in Perl?
2024.05.19 in #669at the last time I did!
One place where you get to enjoy the four different aspects through Raku, Python, Java and PostgreSQL. Well done and keep it up.
2024.05.20 in #670no passion this week!
Compact solutions using the power of Raku is on show. Keep it up great work.
2024.05.27 in #671Riff Raff
Raku one-liner is showing off once again. Thanks for sharing the knowledge with us.
2024.06.06 in #672Quick and Simple
Special one-liner in Raku and many more in Python and PostgreSQL. Thanks for sharing the knowledge with us.
2024.06.10 in #673quite easy!
Two challenges and two one-liners in Raku. Thanks for your contributions.
2024.06.20 in #674not understood
Raku regex in action all the way to get the end result. Discussion is good enough to decode the workings. Great work.
2024.06.24 in #675pipelines!
Extended power of Raku regex in display and laid out beautifully. Thank you for your contributions.
2024.07.03 in #676filtering arrays
Raku one-liner is showing method chaining and giving us effective solution. Thanks for your contributions.
2024.07.15 in #678CHALLENGES (almost) IN A ROW
Consistent contributor of PostgreSQL solutions. Highly recommended as you get bonus too.
2024.07.29 in #680grepping everything!
Mix of Raku, Python, Java and PostgreSQL will keep you busy as always every week. Pleasure to see how implementation differs. Thanks for sharing.
2024.09.20 in #687in regexp we trust!
Welcome back to blogging. Use of pure regex solution is so easy to follow. Thanks for sharing knowledge with us.
2024.09.23 in #688not complete!
A very simple yet effective approach and easy to follow using Raku. Thanks for sharing knowledge with us.
2024.09.30 in #689Arrays Everywhere!
Master of Raku showing the power of one-liner. The only place where we get to see the SQL. Great work.
2024.10.07 in #690arrays and numbers
Simple loop in Raku is enough to get this week task done and self explanatory too. We also have bonus solutions in Java, Python and PostgreSQL.
2024.11.11 in #695loops and substitutions
Welcome back and thanks for sharing knowledge with us every week. My all time favourite is PostgreSQL solution. Keep it up great work.
2024.11.25 in #697filtering arrays
Raku is showing off it's magical power as always. Bonus Python, Java and PostgreSQL intrepretation is also shared with us. Great work.
2024.12.02 in #698arrays and matrixes
Pl/Perl implementation is worth checking, incredible. It reminded me when I used to do PL/SQL as in Oracle 9 days. Highly recommended.
2024.12.19 in #700only Raku before Christmas!
Happy to see contributions coming through in Christmas season. It shows the commitment. Thank you.