2011.11.03 in #15Traveling Salesman without Farmer's Daughter
Dave Jacoby from /var/log/rant describes his alternative to the well known traveling salesman problem and provides code implementing it.
2011.11.10 in #16Caching pages - Beyond Firebug to NYTProf
Dave Jacoby shows an example how NYTProf lead him to caching result pages reducing the response time by more than 50%. It was interesting to see now as I am planning to do the same with my simple blog engine.
2014.03.06 in #137PPI and Unicode
Perl deals rather magnificiently with unicode-based variables. PPI? Not so much, as Dave Jacoby found out.
2014.09.12 in #164Leveraging the Forecast.io API
Apparently Dave Jacoby is also interested what's the weather like, but he used a different source for his information. He directly talks to the web API using LWP::UserAgent and JSON.
2015.01.12 in #182How I Post Code
There are lots of different ways to show code samples in a blog post. Dave's current standard is to put the code in a gist, then embed that in the blog post, even if it does require Javascript to be enabled in the reader's browser. What's your preferred approach?
2015.03.03 in #189Look At My Pretty Pictures
Dave shows the code he wrote to write spirograph style pictures in SVG, which he then etched onto wood using a laser cutter. I have no justification for one, but a laser cutter is going on my wishlist!
2015.03.31 in #193Testing my API changes with Perl
A test script using LWP::UserAgent to access a web page, and JSON to convert the returned JSON string to a Perl data structure.
2015.04.14 in #195Where to generate the HTML? A Test.
In an Ajax-using web application, should you generate HTM chunks on the server and send them over while they are ready for display, or should you go with the crowd and send over only the data letting the client-side generate the HTML? Reddit.
2015.04.16 in #195Template vs Text::Handlebars
Handlebars is a templating system in JavaScript. Text::Handlebars is a Perl port of the templating system.
2015.08.17 in #213I Am Unlikely To Move To Perl6
The imminent official release of Perl 6 brings up even more emotions. Dave describes his background and rationally explains his emotions toward Perl 6.
2016.08.12 in #264A Little Fun with OpenCV
Despite what you might have thought OpenCV has nothing to do with your resume. CV stands for Computer Vision. Dave takes us through his exercise taking pictures and tweeting them.
2016.11.19 in #279Graphs are not that Scary!
That's graphs as in "Graph Theory", not as in "Pie Charts and Histograms". And indeed, not only they are not to be feared at all, but they can also be helluvah useful at times.
2017.03.14 in #295Coding for Pi Day
Dave does some Pi-related hacking in Perl, in honour of Pi day.
2017.05.08 in #303count is not uniq...
In which Dave explains that 'uniq' only works for values that are next to each other and one needs to use 'sort | uniq' in order to get real unique values. Or use a Perl snippet.
2017.06.02 in #306Tracking your Old Tabs in Chrome over Time
Dave is not satisfied with the order Chrome remembers his tabs so hacked together a script that will back up chrome tabs for easy restore.
2017.08.02 in #315Considering Code Documentation
Dave wants to know what documentation would *you* add to his code, but there are no comments. So do you think his code does not need any documentation or is documenting the need of documentation too META?
2018.11.12 in #383Perl and CGI
The original article that seemed to be innosent, but managed to stirr up the feelings.
2019.06.04 in #411Two Technical Posts about Temperature, Kinda
Dave not only solved the regulary weekly challenge but this time he also solved the optional API challenge. It is nice to see members showing interest in API challenge.
2019.06.12 in #412Euclid and Reduce
Dave always present the solution like a kids play. He has the ability to make the difficult challenge appears easy.
2019.06.19 in #413Yeah, about Challenge 13
Dave literaly wrote this blog while attending the keynote by Sawyer X at TPCiP. You can't afford to miss his blog.
2019.07.01 in #415Perl Weekly Challenge 015
Dave raised a question in the beginning that really made me think again. Is 2 a prime number?
2019.07.16 in #417Thoughts on Perl Weekly Challenge 17
Dave solved the Ackermann function with Memoize. He also show how Mojo::URL can be used to parse URL. Nice writings.
2019.07.31 in #419Five-Weekend Mondays and How Years Work
Dave blogging skill is unique and I am a big fan of his blog. Here also he shares interesting facts and figures with regard to the challenge.
2019.08.05 in #420Perl Weekly Challenge - Week 20
Dave was the first to blog about his solution. He has got very unique analysis skill. Must read.
2019.08.13 in #421PWC Week 21 - Euler's Constant and Big Numbers
Dave's blog discuss the first task about to calculate the value of e. He started with simple solution and then made it slightly difficult.
2019.09.19 in #426Scripting the Dropbox API
Incredible implementation of Dropbox API by Dave. You can't afford to miss the writing.
2019.10.15 in #430Blogging Challenge 30
Dave used just 2 for-loops instead of 3 to solve the number series task with a nice little hack.
2019.10.30 in #428Flags, Switches and Unicode in Perl
Dave always pick the topic that is so commonly used in the devs life. He then starts analysing the different aspects that you would never bother talking about before. Dave's quality writing skill makes it very special.
2019.12.02 in #437Sunrise and Sunset in Perl
The use of CPAN module DateTime::Event::Sunrise was a surprise package. Thanks Dave for introducing the distribution.
2021.06.14 in #517Trees and Rows: Perl Weekly Challenge 117
I loved the fact that Dave is generating the input file on the fly. Nice hack. Also his idea of re-using his past solution and extending it to get the task done. Very clever approach.
2021.06.15 in #517Perl Challenge 117 Redux: Permutations!
This is a bonus blog post from Dave to give a detailed analysis of the task Find Possible Paths. Thanks for the post.
2021.06.21 in #518Knight thginK: Perl Weekly Challenge #118
Dave spent good amount of time going into the details of his solution to the second task. It shows his dedication. Keep up the great work.
2021.07.27 in #523Ugly and Square: Perl Weekly Challenge #123
Coding is a skill one can master with time but writing beautiful code is an art. Dave has mastered the art so well. Please checkout his blog.
2021.11.08 in #538I Thank You For The Days: The Weekly Challenge #138
What I like about Dave's blog is that he not only discusses the task but also gives bonus material related to the task. Incredible. Thanks for sharing.
2022.01.19 in #548It's Triplets!: Weekly Challenge #148
Dave's blog post shared an interesting fact about the cube root of a negative number. Thanks for the concise and to the point post.
2022.02.21 in #553Luck is not a Factor!: Weekly Challenge #153
The fun story about task is the highlight for me. Step by step process to get the end result is really cool. Keep it up great work.
2022.03.21 in #557I Cannot Count To A Brazillian
Dave's writing is laden with popular culture references, and is always a fun read. As a bonus, his code looks like poetry to me.
2022.03.28 in #558In Our Primes
Short and precise task analysis, with a catchy blog title as always! Thanks for everything.
2022.04.04 in #559Métal Perlant
To be honest, I enjoy the introduction more than the solution itself. Solution is self explanatory, thanks for sharing the knowledge.
2022.04.12 in #560Does That Make Friendship Equal Four?
Dave's initial comment about the week number 160 is very interesting, and I'd never thought about it. I also like how he promotes the method signature in Perl. Keep up the great work.
2022.04.18 in #561The Lazy Dog Had It Coming
Dave's blog introduction is never to be missed. Thanks for your support and contributions.
2022.04.26 in #562Play Fair and By The Book
I always enjoy how Dave plays with the week number. I really want to know where he gets the idea.
2022.05.02 in #563Sum(mation)s
The headline says Week 164 whereas the discussion was about week 163. You proved it, being tired. Keep it up great work.
2022.05.09 in #564Shiny Happy Numbers
Nice attempt to get one-liner in Perl. Very impressive, keep it up great work.
2022.05.25 in #5660x7e57ab1e 0xc0deba5e
For me, the main attraction was the discussion about playing with numbers. You don't want to miss the solutions in Perl.
2022.06.02 in #567Perl vs The World Crime League
Apart from the smart solution to the Circular Prime, we also got to know about Sophie Germain Prime. Thank you for everything.
2022.06.08 in #568This Is Gonna Take FOREVER!
Dave not only shared his Perl contributions but also gave me idea for new challenge. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.
2022.09.07 in #581Back In The Saddle
Welcome back to blogging, we missed you. Nice hack of using DATA block, very smart. Well done.
2022.12.19 in #596Insert Clever Title Here
Welcome back to blogging after a short break. The title is really unique. Well done.
2023.01.03 in #598Mind The Gap
Lots of technical aspects discussed in the blog. You really don't want to miss it.
2023.01.09 in #599For The Good
Dave is back with yet another blog post sharing the details of his contributions.
2023.01.16 in #600Bicent-Weekly Solution
Loop is the flavour of the week. Complicated solutions can be solved using simple loops. Well done.
2023.01.31 in #602Challenge Accepted
Solutions without any complicated logic, using just for-loops. Incredible, well done.
2023.02.22 in #605Reset Content
Not just the title but the whole story plot is not to be missed. Highly Recommended.
2023.02.28 in #606Partial Content
Clever and smart solution using CPAN. Thanks for sharing the experience with us.
2023.03.06 in #607Multi-Status
Dave has been play with week number and shares some really fun side of the week number. Apart from that we also get the technical point of view. Keep it up great work.
2023.03.20 in #609Give A Little Bit
Use of CPAN can be very handy and get the job done smoothly. Very entertaining post, thanks for sharing.
2023.11.30 in #645Getting Things Sorted
Thanks for sharing the history of Schwartzian Transform. Good job.
2023.12.05 in #646Make It Unique
Discussion styled post is so fun to read. Always pleasure, highly recommended.
2023.12.19 in #648Tumbling Down The Rabbit Hole
Week 248 has many interesting facts i.e. it is the area code for Pontiac, Michigan and other Detroit suburbs.
2024.01.08 in #651Do You Feel Lucky?
Smart move to take help from CPAN module List::Util. You get to know about Week 251 as bonus. Keep it up great work.
2024.01.22 in #653Split String Soup
Here we got the demo of powerful Perl regex. Well done and thanks for sharing.
2024.05.22 in #670When A Decision Must Be Made
Labelled loop is not very popular among Perl fans but in certain situations it can be very handy. Check it out the reason in the post.
2024.05.28 in #671Rows Without A Paddle
Use of CPAN module makes the end result short and sweet. Keep it up great work.
2024.06.10 in #673Round Here
Dealing with round in Perl is always fun. Here you get clever implementation. Thanks for sharing.
2024.07.29 in #680Why Is This Interesting?
See how to keep the logic simple and still get the elegant solution. Incredible, keep it up great work.
2024.08.05 in #681Pawning Things Off
Use of bredth-first approach to solve the Knight's move task. Well documented solution, keep it up great work.
2024.10.07 in #690Two Times Zero is Zero
You get nice story to start with and then comes the technical discussion. It is engaging yet, thanks for sharing.
2024.10.16 in #691The Hands We Are Dealt
Simple use of multi-layer for loops get the job done. The algorithm explained in simple term. Keep it up great work.
2024.10.21 in #692Comes A Time
A very brave approach to solve the Zuma Game task using regex. The detailed discussion is really handy. Great work, keep it up.
2024.10.30 in #693Taking A New Angle
Here is another gem from CPAN, Math::Trig. The end result is worth checking out. Thanks for sharing.
2024.11.18 in #696Pictures of Matchstick Men
Interesting discussion about the use of heavy duty regex, very engaging. Solution is well documented to let you through.
2024.11.27 in #697Semi-Ordered Life
Playing with loops can be fun at times as shown in this week solutions. Keep sharing knowledge with us.
2024.12.18 in #700Like Tricentennial but for Weeks
Don't you love the side by side implementation in Perl and Python? It helps understand the language better. Great work, keep it up.
2024.12.27 in #701Auld Lang Comparison
Do you like CPAN? Well everyone but here you see an alternative solution. Smart approach, keep it up great work.
2025.01.04 in #7023^4 * 5*2
Brilliant work showing the power of Perl and Python together. Highly recommended.
2025.01.11 in #703See Other
Nice catch of edge case and solution for the same. Keep it up great work.
2025.01.13 in #704Not Modified
Interesting analogy of week 304 with the HTTP status code. Always fun to read the blog post.
2025.01.25 in #705Use Proxy
Another week another HTTP status code based story as well as plenty of fun code. Keep it up great work.
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