2011.07.26 in #1YAPC::Europe Preview
Dave Cross wrote an article for the Josetteorama of Josette Garcia. It is worth reading especially if you have never been to a YAPC. You still have 10 days do join us or can plan for another Perl event. See below.
2011.10.15 in #12Modern Perl in Linux Format
After several 'less than optimal' articles about Perl in the Linux Format finally Dave Cross (davorg) got the opportunity to publish a series of articles about Modern Perl.
2011.11.10 in #16Public Perl training in London
Dave Cross is running an 'Intermediate Perl' and an 'Advanced Perl' course in February 2012 in central London.
2011.11.13 in #16Modern Core Perl Slides
Dave Cross gave a very good 90 minute long talk about what is new in Perl 5.10, 5.12, 5.14 and even in the not-yet-released 5.16. He is sharing his slides here.
2011.11.21 in #18Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Dave Cross writes about the island that has the .pm domain name extension. They are starting to allow registration by anyone in the EU. Go, grab your own PM domain.
2011.11.29 in #19London Perl Workshop
Unfortunately O'Reilly's Josette Garcia couldn't be at the London Perl Workshop so Dave Cross posted his report on her blog.
2012.03.10 in #33Being Helpful
Dave Cross complains (?) about some people who did not like his recommendation to improve their Perl code. It is sad to see how some of the response got aggressive but I also often fall in the same trap as Dave fell: People, if they are not asking for help, will probably dislike the volunteer help we give. If we would like to improve their code we have to wait till they think they would like to improve. Without that it usually does not work.
2012.03.13 in #34XML::Feed
Dave Cross, the current maintainer of XML::Feed is calling on you to help improving this module. If I am not mistaken it is used by the Ironman and I am also using it to collect news items that end up (or not) in the Perl Weekly. It probably should use XML::Liberal as an optional back-end to be able to accept feeds that don't exactly adhere to the standard. Anyone with tuits?
2012.03.16 in #34'You Must Hate Version Control Systems'
I am not sure if the original job ad was real or a joke. Or, maybe it was created so everyone will talk about it. Dave Cross uses this opportunity to tell us the short history of improvements in development practices he saw at his clients. First it was version control, then testing, and now continuous integration. I wish he was right, but I think he was just lucky.
2012.06.14 in #47Modern Perl for Non-Perl Programmers (Redux)
Dave Cross is running another one-day training class on 6th October 2002 in London. If you know anyone who might be interested, please forward the link.
2012.06.25 in #49What is Modern Perl?
The expression 'Modern Perl' has a number of meanings, depending who you ask. Dave Cross explains the differences in a guest poster at JosetteOrama.
2012.08.06 in #55Perl School
Dave Cross ran a free Perl course in London. This is his conclusion how it went and how he is going to improve, both the content, and the commitment from the students. IMHO charging money can create some commitment and makes people value the course more. Even if it is a small amount.
2012.08.12 in #55CGI.pm vs Templates
Do you use the HTML generating capabilities of CGI.pm? After reading the article by Dave Cross you might reconsider.
2012.08.15 in #56Finding Perl material online
Kirk Kimmel build a small custom search using Google that will try to improve your perl related searches. Check also the comments where Dave Cross linked to his solution.
2012.09 in #59Perl School 3 (in London)
One of them is on 6th October, the other one is on 8th of December. Trainer: Dave Cross
2012.10.06 in #63Perl School 2
Dave Cross finished the second run of his Modern Perl training class in London. This time he charged a little money and more people turned up to his class than the previous time when the training was free.
2012.10.21 in #65DBIC vs DBI
Dave Cross explains why DBIC (aka. DBIx::Class), the currently most popular ORM (Object Relational Mapper) of Perl is not only for people who don't know SQL.
2012.11.12 in #277The Fragility of Contracting
Dave Cross has been hiding behind firewalls for a bit, but he's back, and looking for training gigs; contact him if you're interested!
2012.11.25 in #70Speaking at the LPW
Dave Cross gave 3 talks at the London Perl Workshop.
2012.11.26 in #71Why Corporates Hate Perl
This is basically an old proposal of Dave Cross to talk about the subject. Why are there companies in which management is blaming Perl for the lack of management in old Perl code? I asked there and I am still not sure, is this a problem specific to Perl? Is it a bigger problem for Perl than for other languages? Why?
2012.12.01 in #71Advent Calendars on Perl News
A list of 6 Perl-related Advent calendars. 2 in Japanese, 4 in English. Collected by Dave Cross.
2013-05-02 in #93Vintage Perl Articles by Dave Cross
Dave Cross's blog has a new 'article' section where he has put the articles that he wrote for perl.com... 10 years ago. Will you dare boarding this Nostalgia Ride?
2013.02.04 in #81Perl Books
Dave Cross has been active on the biggest Perl group on LinkedIN and once in a while he explains what issues he notices. This time he is shocked by the books people recommend on the LinkedIN forum.
2013.02.15 in #82Training Debrief
Dave Cross summarizing his latest experience running the almost free 'Perl School'.
2013.02.19 in #83Texinfo 5.0 in Perl
So part of Texinfo was ported from C to Perl that got some attention on Slashdot. Dave Cross checked the code and gave his opinion on how 'modern' that code is. I find both his comments and the reaction by the author of the code very interesting.
2013.05.10 in #94What New(ish) Perl features Do You Use?
There is a wealth of information coming in throughout the Perl groups on Linked In. They are very important to learn how people who use Perl but are not deeply connected to the CPAN developers use Perl. Dave Cross provide a bridge and in this article he tries to list the new features of Perl since 1995! Very valuable.
2013.07.23 in #105Just Build Something
The proof, ultimately, is always in the pudding. In this case, an English pudding, as Dave Cross launches a new website called 'The Political Web' running on Dancer.
2013.08.24 in #109Unicode and Perl - a Quiz
This is a one-question quiz by Dave Cross that might help you understand how Perl and Unicode work together.
2013.08.27 in #110CPAN RPMs
Dave Cross created web pages listing all the CPAN modules that have an RPM package in Fedora, CentOS and when they have RPM packages in 3rd-part repositories. Such as the one maintained by Dave himself.
2013.09.06 in #111Parallel Universe Perl 6
"What If" scenarios. Maybe not the most practical exercises ever, but they can be darn entertaining (and make good movie plots). Here, Dave Cross muses aloud "If the Perl 6 we know hadn't come along, when/would Perl 5 releases ever incremented that stolid major version number?
2013.09.21 in #113Talks from Kiev
Dave Cross has posted a collection of the videos covering his own talks at YAPC::EU in Kiev.
2013.10.01 in #115Perl Search Revisited
A while ago Dave Cross built a Google-based search engine, specifically for Perl sites. It just got a new facelift.
2013.11.29 in #123Perl in Banks
Is Perl a secret weapon in Banks? Do any of them admit it? Can you find people who work at some of the largest money-making institutions that heavily rely on Perl. Dave Cross reposted a request for some 'proof that Perl is indeed used in the finance industry' and he got quite some. Now how can you turn this into money?
2013.12.22 in #126Misunderstanding Context
It is always interesting to see when Dave Cross analyzes how people on the outskirts of the Perl community think about specific subjects related to Perl. I am not sure though, how would that look like like if people who are closer to the center of the onion explained what they know (or think to know) about these subject in Perl. I am sure I would be caught red-handed many times if I was writing about these.
2014.01.02 in #128Perl APIs
So there are all those web services out there, with glorious APIs. And they have documentation pages, offering helpful examples. Often in Ruby, Python, in PHP, perhaps even in Java. In Perl? Alas, that happens more rarely. Dave Cross, bless his heart, wants to fix that.
2014.01.19 in #130Dots and Perl
A fun article by Dave Cross explaining the various operators in Perl that are created by putting dots together. Before you click. How many can you count?
2014.01.22 in #131blogs.perl.org
Someone broke into the blogs.perl.org site. Copied the users table and posted some stupid page on the site. Ironically, the announcement came on the Perl Hacks site run by Dave Cross, one of the maintainers of blogs.perl.org
2014.03.09 in #137Installing CPAN modules
Somebody wants to tip their toe in the Perl world and try out a program with dependencies... they should go with the usual perlbrew/cpanminus combo, right? Well, maybe not. Dave Cross thinks going with the system perl and the local package manager might be a better approach, and explains why.
2014.04.25 in #144Data Munging with Perl
Dave Cross offers a free pdf version of his book "Data Munging with Perl". The book may be on the old side, but its chapters aged like wine; a few might have gone a bit sour, but most of them are still pretty delectable.
2014.05.03 in #145Training in London
This year Dave Cross will run his regular courses in November.
2014.07.01 in #154Perl School Slides
A few years ago, Dave Cross ran Perl training at the Google campus. He realized recently that he never shared publically the slide decks he had crafted for them. This terrible oversight is now rectified. Slides of his 'Database Programming with Perl and DBIx::Class' and 'Object-Oriented Programming with Perl and Moose' courses are now available to the general public.
2014.07.12 in #155London Perl Mongers Meeting
Dave Cross lets us know what's coming up at the London.pm meetings. (sneak peak: lots of good stuff, that's what is coming)
2014.07.28 in #158Programming Language Usage
Perl is at the bottom of the chart at Silicon MilkRoundabout, a recruitment fair for techies.
2014.09.21 in #165"I Do Not Want To Use Any Modules"
Every day Dave Cross encounters someone who want to solve some problem without installing any module from CPAN. Here he tries to explain why is that a broken idea. IMHO the problem is that many people 'in the Perl community' (see elsewhere) are busy showing why the others are wrong, instead of trying to understand the real reasons behind not wanting to deal with third-party modules. See also the Reddit discussion.
2014.09.28 in #166Perl's Problems
There is no light without darkness. No feast without heartburn. No language without, ah, irritating parts. Dave Cross muses on what he thinks are Perl's own hercules's heels.
2014.10.10 in #177Dev Assistant
Dave came across 'Dev Assistant', a tool that aims at helping neophyte developers into the many steps standing between the initial itch to the publication of a project. They support Perl, which is awesome, but they might need help to bring their Perl support up to Modern Perl standards. So... who feels like assisting the assistant?
2014.10.30 in #171Upcoming Training in London
Dave Cross is running several course in the next couple of weeks in London. 'Intermediate Perl' and 'Advanced Perl Techniques' 2 days for each course.
2014.11.16 in #173LPW and Perl WebBook
Dave Cross got fed up by people wanting to solve problems using CGI while there are more modern solutions so he gave a lightning and announced he is going to write a new book covering modern Perl development. It's a funny coincidence that I've just posted an article listing the CGI-related Perl Maven articles.
2015.01.07 in #181London Perl Jobs Mailing List
The old London Perl Jobs mailing list is going down. Dave Cross, however, has set up a replacement, ready to take on the torch.
2015.05.21 in #200Building TwittElection
Even if you don't care about Perl, you might care about the elections in the UK.
2015.06.16 in #204TwittElection at OpenTech
Dave gave a talk about the TwittElection site, which he created for the recent UK general election. He's posted his slides and notes from the talk.
2015.07.15 in #208Mailing Lists
Dave ran a number of mailing lists that were mostly accumulating spam in recent years. It is time to close them.
2015.07.19 in #208Culling My Modules
Dave built a nice dashboard showing the results of Travis-CI and Coveralls for all of his CPAN modules. That's great. Unfortunately that highlighted the fact that he has many modules that he has not interest maintaining and he is going to delete from CPAN. Or maybe its a good thing to make CPAN slimmer, but with a higher percentage of useful and maintained modules.
2015.07.19 in #210Driving a Business with Perl
A long, loooong time ago, Dave wrote an accounting system for his freelance activities. Nowadays, he uses a commercial solution, but he's sharing his old code for whoever who want to use it, learn from it, or just want a chuckle or two.
2015.09.20 in #217The Joy of Prefetch
Dave built a web app using Dancer2 and DBIx::Class, but found that it was running an awful lot of queries. He shares the secret of prefetch, which took one page from 120 queries down to 3.
2015.10.10 in #220Build RPMs of CPAN modules
Dave walks through the process of creating RPMs for CPAN modules, and some of the pitfalls.
2015.11.08 in #224Training Courses – More Details
What can you expect from the training courses? Details of the 'Object Oriented Programming with Perl and Moose' and the 'Database Programming with Perl and DBIx::Class' courses.
2015.12.01 in #223Public Training in London – February 2016
Dave is going to be doing four short courses in London one week next year, from Monday 8th February to Friday 12th February. Topics are: OO with Moose, DBIx::Class, testing, and web programming.
2015.12.05 in #228London Perl Workshop 2015
The London Perl Workshop is going to happen in a few days, and it looks like it's going to be awesome.
2015.12.13 in #229Dave Cross's slides
Dave gave a tutorial, a talk, and a lightning talk at the London Perl Workshop on Saturday. He's put the slides for all three online.
2015.12.17 in #230The Long Death of CGI.pm
Apparently Red Hat beat P5P in breaking backward compatibility of the perl distribution. Red Hat has removed CGI.pm from their 'standard distribution of perl' 5 years ago with the release of RHEL 6. Here is what the Redditters say.
2016.01.01 in #232Easy PSGI
You don't need to port CGI programs to Dancer, Mojolicious, or Catalyst just in order to start using PSGI. You can easily switch to PSGI, get the advantages it provides and keep using your existing CGI code.
2016.01.24 in #235Why Learn Perl?
Dave is answering two questions: Do people still use Perl? and Are there people who use Perl but aren't as expert in it as they would like to be (or as their managers would like them to be)?
2016.02.28 in #240Training Debrief
Dave tells us how were the recent Perl training classes he ran.
2016.03.20 in #243Twitter’s Early Adopters
Twitter is celebrating its first 10 years, and to celebrate Dave did some data munging on the first 100,000 twitter users, less than 13k of whom are still active.
2016.04.09 in #246Code Archaeology
Dave shares some code he wrote "back in the day", which he describes as "terrible". It's good to look back at your old code, and hopefully see how you've improved.
2016.04.17 in #247Training in Cluj
Dave is planning on a day of training before YAPC Europe in Transylvania, but still has not decided about what. So what training would you attend? It is only pity that the conference itself does not have a web site.
2016.05.01 in #249Training in Cluj – The Poll
Dave wants to know what training courses people are interested in for YAPC::EU this year.
2016.05.09 in #250Training in Cluj -- The Poll
Planning to go to YAPC::EU this summer? Intersted in training? You want to take this survey.
2016.05.15 in #251Taming QMail
We all came across them. As scripts, they are super-useful, but you look under the hood, and oh my gosh you wished you didn't. Well, Dave looked, girded up his loins and dragged one QMail elder script into the 21 century.
2016.05.21 in #252Dancing in Cluj-Napoca
Dave ran a poll to see what training courses people were interested in for YAPC::EU. Here he presents the results.
2016.07.02 in #258Updating Ogg::Vorbis::Header
Dave looked into a CPAN Testers fail for one of his modules, and to fix it he ended up fixing something in someone else's module. He's not finished yet though!
2016.07.31 in #262Intended Audience
Dave will run a one-day training course at YAPC::EU in Cluj. Should you attened?
2016.08.25 in #266Cultured Perl
A new attempt by Dave Cross to break out from the 'echo chamber' and reach other people with Perl-related content via blog posts on Medium. go ahead and contribute to his efforts!
2016.12.12 in #282Version Numbers
Not only does Dave explain the major, minor, patch level numbers, but he has also gone full-blown marketingish and has a pop-up to subscribe for his e-mail newsletter. How great men are falling. Even if you avoid the pop-up, don't forget to sign up to his newsletter!
2017.06.03 in #306I Wrote Some Perl
It is never too late to start something new. For example contributing to the Perl core.
2017.07.22 in #313Drawing Traffic Lights With Perl
Dave needs images of traffic lights, for some secret squirrel project he's working on. He ended up creating SVG::TrafficLight, which makes it easy to draw SVG traffic lights.
2017.09.03 in #319Yak Shaving with Aphra Behn
For many developers, there comes a time when you decide to write your own blog engine. That time has come for Dave, and his blog engine is called Aphra.
2017.11.05 in #328London Perl Workshop Klaxon
Dave has been working on his new tutorial, which he'll be giving at LPW: practical SEO tips. It's free to attend, like the rest of LPW!
2017.11.09 in #329Perl Taster Course
Dave Cross wrote a very detailed article giving introduction of Perl.
2017.12.11 in #334Regenerating Perl School
Instead of class-room training sessions, this time Dave is working on cheap eBooks about various topics in Perl sold via Amazon. The first one is called Perl Taster: Your First Two Hours With Perl. I'd say even if you don't need it, buy it as a way to encourage and support Dave. Even better, buy a copy as a present to a fellow Perl newbie.
2018.03.31 in #349Two New Modules
Dave's preparations for a talk for the London Perl Mongers exposed a couple of bits that could be turned into new modules for CPAN.
2018.04.04 in #350Data Munging with Perl
The Data Munging with Perl of Dave Cross is now available on its own web site.
2018.06.03 in #358Training in Glasgow
Dave Cross holding 2 training sessions at The Perl Conference in Glasgow, "Web Site Tune-Up: Improve Your Googlejuice" and "The Professional Programmer".
2018.07.07 in #363Professional Programmer is Professional
Dave is going to run a half-day workshop on being a professional programmer. In this article he covers the questions he will want to be answered. Many of these topics are on my agenda as well recently. I'd love to hear or read what Dave and others have to say about these topics. So if you attend the workshop, please take notes and publish them or at least send them to me privately.
2019.03.28 in #401Perl Weekly Challenge – 2019-03-25
The answers of Dave Cross to the first weekly challenge. I'd love to see more people post their solutions.
2019.05.14 in #408Docker and Dancer
Dave ongoing blog series about his project "Moving Into the Cloud".
2019.05.14 in #409Docker and Dancer
Dave ongoing blog series about his project "Moving Into the Cloud". This time with the correct link. Hopefully.
2019.08.11 in #420PerlCon Europe 2019
I always enjoy reading Dave's blog. This one is special for me as he mentioned my name twice in the blog. What an honour for me. I am sure you are going to enjoy his event report.
2019.12.01 in #4372020 Vision
Dave seemed to have a lot of very similar ideas and initiatives to mine, except that his usually came a few years earlier. Two come to mind: organizing a local Perl Mongers group and having a Perl presence at FOSDEM, but there were more. I am looking forward to his ideas now so I'll know what I will come up in a few years from now. So yeah, good luck with them!
2020.09.17 in #478Blogging for Perl
Dave started very interesting discussion whether we need dedicated blogging site for Perl. Please do share your views.
2020.09.18 in #478Down the rabbit hole
Dave shared his blog aggregator for Perl. It is always nice to see him taking the lead.
2020.11.08 in #485A CPAN Dashboard
I love this Dashboard. It shows the CI and Kritika status of all of Dave Cross's CPAN distributions on a single, badge-ridden page. In this post Dave gives a brief introduction to the project.
2020.11.22 in #487GitHub Actions for semi-static web sites
Dave describes how the CPAN Dashboard is automatically regenerated and how he does not need to host this on any of his servers.
2020.12.06 in #489RT - Action Plan for CPAN Authors
Dave went ahead and described what CPAN authors could do to deal with the situation of RT going away. He even added a cute bug to the CPAN Dashboard to help CPAN Authors identify distributions that need work. More ideas on Reddit.
2020.12.16 in #491Replacing CPAN RT
Dave had a very nice idea to replace the default CPAN RT with the GitHub issues of Gitpan. At least for the modules that don't set their bug-tracking system explicitly. A few interesting comments on Reddit.
2021.02.14 in #499Simple CPAN module web sites with GitHub Pages
Dave picked up my idea and within a few hours wrote a blog post explaining how to create a simple web site for your CPAN project on GitHub pages. Now it is your turn to start experimenting with it.
2021.03.08 in #503Don't be a Perl programmer
This post has two main points IMHO unfortunately mixed. One is that by focusing too much on being a 'Perl programmer' many of us have and still miss out on a lot of great things knowing other languages can offer. Not just employment opportunities, but by knowing other languages you can become better at Perl as well. The other point felt by some people as an attack on the 'Perl programmers Facebook group' which, I think was unfortunate. In any case I wholeheartadly recommend you read it and diversify your knowledge.
2021.03.17 in #504The future of mod_perl
Looks like the Apache project is having serious discussions about the future of mod_perl.
2021.04.08 in #507Proxying web feeds with Dancer2
Dave has been working on a new version of his personal web site that forced him to explore various web technologies.
2021.05.03 in #511Easier web sites for CPAN modules
When you set up a site for your module, please post a link to it somewhere visible. (e.g. dev.to or Reddit just to give two examples). Actually I have another suggestion. If you'd like to set up such a web site and you are not sure how, let's have a live pair setup session where we explore this module.
2021.05.21 in #513Solving simple problems
Dave is scrobbling using Last.FM. For those who don't know, 'scrobbling' is the act of logging what you're listening to using an external service so that, over time, you build up an accurate picture of who you listen to.
2021.11.10 in #538Processing dates and times with Perl
I sometimes miss Dave's blog posts but this time I have made sure you all get the benefit of his writing. It is great post talking about different CPAN modules for dealing with dates.
2022.05.20 in #565CPAN Module Tutorials
Dave started to create a list of tutorials for CPAN modules with the idea to link to them from MetaCPAN. Excellent idea. I hope it will be integrated into MetaCPAN and won't be a separate web site. And if it is a separate website I'd probably just use GitHub pages. See also Reddit.
2022.06.01 in #567Perl 7 domains
Dave has a few Perl 7 themed domain names that expire soon. Anyone wants to take over and make use of them? You know when Perl 7 takes off they might worth millions.
2022.10.06 in #585Building a Perlanet Container
It is very nice to see Dave got into (or back) to the Docker image building game. More importantly, I did not know that the Perl Planetarium is hosted on GitHub Pages. I guess I might set up a feed-collector of my own using the tools davorg created.
2023.03.03 in #606Improvements to Planet Perl and Perlanet
Planet Perl? Well if you don't know about it then please do checkout the latest work done by Dave to make it even better.
2023.05.17 in #617Mission (Almost) Accomplished
Dave writes: 'This is, of course, a supremely unimportant fix in the grand scheme of things. But I think it illustrates an important issue that the Perl community should be thinking about. The community is shrinking. Or, at least, the part of the community that supports CPAN modules and runs our important infrastructure is shrinking. CPAN is full of modules that are now unsupported.' You can comment on this here.
2023.08.09 in #629GitHub Organisations
GitHub Organisations as a way to ensure the continuity of your projects.
2024.01.20 in #652GitHub Actions for Perl Development
Big help to all who has got Perl code base in GitHub repository. You should give it a try as it is so easy to implement as shown by Dave.
2024.02.10 in #656Perl Steering Council Meetings
As you get weekly PSC updates here but what if you want historical updates. This website presents this in user friendly layout.
2024.02.24 in #657The present isn't evenly distributed either
Personally I think that removing CGI.pm from the standard Perl wasn't a good idea. IT went against the philosophy of backward compability without providing an alternative in the core. On the other hand having (yet another) place that tries to promote newer web-technologies is a good idea.
2024.03.09 in #659Pointless personal side projects
I think only a very little subset of programmers have such side projects and an even smaller subset write articles about these projects. For most people programming is a 9-5 job. It is not that others aren't as good or don't enjoy programming. It is just that they might have different hobbies, or no time for hobbies at all. Comment on Reddit or on DEV.to.
2024.03.30 in #662Amazon Links and Buttons
Do you want to know the story behind the CPAN module Amazon::Sites? This is inspirational, you don't want to skip it.
2024.04.07 in #663Collecting talks
Have you ever enjoyed a presentation or a course given by Dave Cross? Well, his beginnings were humble, to say the least, but luckily he did not have time to give up. Anyway, here is an opportunity for Internet archeologists to help Dave.
2024.05.19 in #669Deploying Dancer Apps
For people who would like to write and deploy a small (or big?) web application.
2024.05.24 in #670Deploying Dancer Apps
Being a fan of Dancer2 framework, I found this blog post very informative with plenty of handy tricks.
2024.06.23 in #674Bowing to the inevitable
Have you read the book, Data Munging with Perl? Dave is asking the readers what they would like to see in the second edition of the book.
2024.07.07 in #676Combining calendars
Get to know the story behind the CPAN module: App::MergeCal.
2024.08.29 in #684On the [b]leading edge
Are you one of those, who wants to play on bleading edge? If yes then checkout this masterpiece.
2024.09.22 in #687Dancing with Copilot Workspace
It seem Dave is quie happy with the various features of Copilot. It might be time that I also give it a try. At least for open source projects.
2024.10.20 in #691London Perl Workshop 2024 – Preview
After a break of five years, the London Perl Workshop returns next weekend. It’s been twenty years since the first one.
2024.10.27 in #692London Perl Workshop 2024
If you missed the talks by Dave then this is for you. It is worth bookmarking for later reading.
2024.11.17 in #695A link site of your very own
Another personal project of Dave that made it to CPAN as well. Think about it as a LinkTree clone. reddit
2025.01.04 in #702London Perl Mongers on GitHub Pages
A great real story how to give fresh life to a historical LondonPM site. It made the process looks so easy that anyone can do it with little help.
2025.01.12 in #703Adding structured data with Perl
Structured data on your web pages are said to help the search engines (aka. Google) to index your site, rank it higher and then display informative snippets to the people searching.
2025.01.26 in #705Proposed Perl Changes
Dave is building a web site to show the Proposed Perl Changes. See the current situation here.
2025.01.26 in #706Proposed Perl Changes (part 1)
A thorough process to build PPC web portal shared in the post, with detailed story around it.
2025.03.15 in #712How I build websites in 2025
This is very handy if you are planning to build a website. You get all practical tips to get the job done effectively.
Dave Cross in #242Reviving WWW::Shorten
Last summer, WWW::Shorten was put up for adoption. And now, happy news, somebody answered the call. New releases are already trickling in.
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